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Hello once again to my Large Babies,

I have been doing very well lately, I feel like I've struck a nice groove in my life. Still hard at work on Barber Westchester. 

Right now, it looks like I'm going to be able to hit my deadline of uploading to Patreon on November 8. Might change a little but I'll be uploading it here, as soon as it's finished and ready to be seen, which will most likely be November 8. 

Think I'm going to try and upload some more weird side unfinished stuff for you guys this month from the Archives. 

There's a few side projects I've been working on as well that maybe I'll be able to show you all this month. Figuring it out.

This month I want to do another presentation livestream, I enjoyed doing the one last month a lot, and having time to prepare something was a lot more pleasant for me than trying to come up with everything (including energy) in the moment. Will update with a time and date for the livestream as soon as I figure out what I'm going to do.

Hope you are all doing well!



Conner Japikse

Hell yeah! I'm very excited for Barber


U go girl ,, get it