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This is for something I want to do that takes place in the Barber-Saliatos universe after Barber is done. It's semi-related to the idea I want to do next, which would be a miniseries about Dacia and her friends and their scheme to manipulate Barber's dad. It's complicated though and I don't know if I'll be able to do it. But I would very much like to. 


The way that the Saliatos-Barber universe works is, there's layers and layers of worlds stacked on top of each other. The layers I know for sure are this: There's the layer underneath Barber, where the bugs and moles and worms and rats live. There's more below that but I haven't found them yet. Then there's the layer where Barber and SALIATOS take place. The next layer is the one above Barber, where Barber's mind people are from. And then these drawings are of the layer directly above that, called The Cone Layer (might change that name). Above that is another layer, where giant bugheaded creatures are, and you can see them through a foggy window of Cone Layer's dome (cone shaped dome). This guy in the concepts is trying to escape The Cone Layer and get to the other side of the foggy window dome, where he will overtake the ruler and try to bring an end to the system in which the Cone Layer people are being controlled and manipulated. Basically the layers keep going, with world layers stacked on each other, over and over, until you hit a wall with nothing beyond it. The wall contains a bunch of mazes, which is where Dacia's dad and all his friends are from, and they influence a lot of the stuff that happens in the underworlds. But there's nothing beyond that, it just stops.

So basically what I really want to do is introduce the Cone Layer in the Dacia miniseries, and then have a separate Cone Layer feature. 🥴IDK why I keep doing this to myself. I have no idea if I'll actually be able to do it, but it's my plan if I can somehow figure it out. I want to keep adding onto this universe and finding connections between the layers and doing really intense worldbuilding.

LOL this looks so crazy all typed out... CEST LA vie!!




this is super exciting! i love seeing your ideas