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Hi Large Babies!

I'm almost done boarding the Barber movie and I'm starting animation production this month. I'm really excited about it. Getting some of my friends to do guest animation and other stuff for it, it's pretty exciting. The movie is really coming together and I'm really proud of all the work I've done so far, even if the journey is far from over.

I just moved into a new apartment by myself last week. It has the exact amount of space that I need, and I already feel way healthier and work way easier. I wanna live in this place for a while, and I feel like it's a really good place to work and settle down a little bit. I've been moving around so much for a while and I'm really sick of it and I'm ready to just stay in one spot. 

Heres a new patreon goal. I think it might interest some of you

This means that when we reach that goal, I will make a google doc and set a timer and give you all permission to edit it, and whatever ends up being written in that google doc when the timer ends will be what I am forced to traditionally animate on paper within a week. 

The Laurence livestream this month will happen on Saturday, Oct 17 at 1PM PST! Be there!

October's going to be super crazy but I'm very excited. Ye haw! 

Love you!



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