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Hi everyone, AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! 

Sorry for screaming. I was just reflecting on the passage of time and how everything that's happening in the world is terrifying. Nonetheless! It's update time! 

Last year I said that Barber Westchester would be done by 13 days from now. LOL! I was completely sober and still said that. Since then, I quit my job at B*zzfeed, made SALIATOS and made a few other things, which is awesome. I honestly can't believe I finished SALIATOS so fast, and I'm really proud of it. Thank you all for helping make it happen and allowing me to actually do it. Dylan is releasing the soundtrack to the series today (dylankanner.bandcamp.com), and I just uploaded a video of the full series, go check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQLdDPzoWNk

I said a few months back that I'd be done with the Barber film in January, because I am very sober but very crazy. That's not happening anymore either. The goal now is May 2021, which is still extremely generous, but more resembles my schedule for Ascensia/Goodbye Forever Party, which is well-tread territory for me. I'm allowing myself to change the schedule if I need to. I would prefer to stay alive than die, so whatever lets me stay alive is what I'll be trying to do. 

I am about to finish writing Barber, and it's turning into something I think is truly unique and kind of a game-changer, and I'm really ecstatic about how it's turning out. I'll be finishing the animatic by the end of this month.

Something else I've been doing is developing a tv show pitch idea to possibly "take around town",  temporarily titled "The Peninsula Siblings", which is kind of like Rachel and her Grandfather Control the Island, but completely different. Rachel is still there, but now her partners in crime are 4 characters based on my real life siblings, and instead of doing a conspiracy, their job is to help people in trouble around their peninsula. More to come about that :) 

For anyone I owe tier rewards for, I'm sorry it's been taking me a while. I'm going to set out a time this month to catch up on all of those. 

Thank you all for your continued support even when all this crazy stuff in the world is happening. 




Logan Hollow

Jonni! i haven't been to the livestreams or even in the discord in a while cause my life's a mess but always glad to hear how you're doing and what you're working on. Sending good vibes your way <3

Patty Locke

if the amount of time you’re giving yourself is just enough to let you survive, maybe add an extra 3 weeks for ice cream breaks/selfcare. thank you for being awesome AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!