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I've decided to go completely independent, starting in December...  

For the past few months I've been working full-time at Buzzfeed, and I've saved up enough money from doing that, where now I can survive for 3-4 months without needing a job. 

I work really fast, but I've been mostly focusing on really long projects (barber, ascensia, wasteland, gfp, etc)... So I’ve decided to make a bunch of short form animations, and start releasing them on my YT and social medias and stuff twice a week starting in January. 

I’ll spend all of December putting together an arsenal of shorts that I can start consistently uploading in January.  I'm also going to be spending the time working really intensely on Barber Westchester, and getting the animatic and stuff all ready to go before I launch a kickstarter for the film in April.  

I'll also start selling frames and shots from Ascensia in December, and trying to figure out merch.

So yea, basically that means I'm going to be devoting a lot more time to patreon, and trying to grow it. My plan is to try and become self-sustaining and not need to do studio or freelance work, and just make my own stuff as my job. I’ve built up a pretty large audience just from making whatever I wanted and uploading randomly, so my hope is that I can build a bigger audience and grow my patreon and youtube channel and etc if I put a real effort into reigning in my upload frequency.

Thanks for continuing to support me everyone! It’s a big experiment but I’m really excited, and I hope this is exciting for you guys too.


Oyster Wallace

Your wellbeing is what we really care about, so please don't push yourself too hard. That being said, you go girl! Proud to be a fan; excited to see what you have in store.


I wish you the best of luck with your future!