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hi! laurence tier large babies send me your drawing requests! heres the first 3: 

for brombo, "a ti-84 calculator that’s says “hello world!” On the screen with a little guy who’s rly surprised by it." I forgot to make the guy little. i am sorry: 

for Will Data, "yellow bird with a face on his wing: imgur.com/a/9Ks3XOK"

i love this character a lot!!!!!! so cute!!! 

for Nat Kraepel: "your interpretation of my weird dog I think it would be amazing.  here she is with a noodle on her head: twitter.com/turbo_lasers/status/1077246907712503808"

this dog is a weird yet cute one! i couldnt completely capture her bizarre face. but i tried my absolute best.

here is a song i was listening to while drawing these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMc8naeeSS8

love you! thank you! 


Ethan Keanrey

wait where do i post my drawing request

Nat Kraepel

im a little late lmao but i LOVE HER!!!