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Hello my patrons!

I wanted to share with you all where I see my channel going in 2017.  It's wonderfully daunting and exciting, and I have so much to learn.  And I am forever grateful to have you amazing people in my life who support me and provide such insightful feedback.

Thank you for all you have given me in 2016.  Your presence in my life has meant more to me than you can imagine.  Here's to a new year and new videos!

Happy happy New Year, my friends.

Love and peace,


ps- $20+ patrons, I'm starting to take requests for your personal videos for 2017!!  Send me a message on Patreon and I'll take a note :D :D :D


My YouTube Resolutions

Thank you, my incredible patrons!!



my resolution for next year is thesame as this year, to be my self, and dont let bad thing change my path to a better future, think you are 1 awesome girl, with alot of fun, so i now wish you and your love ones a happy new year

Stefan "MaskinJunior" Ivarsson

I have given up on resolutions. I set the bar high for 2000, with finding a girlfriend, now 16 years later I have kind of accepted that it will never happen. But I am I hope this year will give me the opportunity to make a course in how to design for steel castings, based at my job. I really sold the idea to our Norwegian head of sales, so fingers crossed for 2017.


Graduate. It may sound stupid or extremely simplistic but I want to graduate from my teaching degree and be able to say after 5 years of uni and 13 of school that I did it. I set out to achieve and I have


Mine is to finally publish a story I've been working on for over 10 years. I'm taking what you said about not entertaining the idea of failure to heart Malinda.


My resolution for 2017 is to play the piano everyday for at least 30 minuets. Sounds simple but I'm starting to get work as an MD (I finish my first proper professional show as an MD and conductor on Monday) and I know my playing (particularly sight reading) needs to be better if I want consistent work! Good luck. I look forward to more videos x


*excited MKR impression* JONATHAN YOUNG!!! Fan-freak-out aside, I'm working on being present and meditative, as well. I like the way you describe it as "wiring in" to the right mindset. I look forward to all the greatness that will be 2017, and I'm glad to hitch a ride on the MKR Train to experience the awesomeness! Happy New Year to all my fellow patrons!