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Hello my wonderful patrons, Thanksgiving this year couldn't come soon enough. So much has happened; presenting my thesis, graduating college, starting life in DC as an actor, my country's election, reuniting with and losing loved ones, and of course the daily adventure of my YouTube channel. If there's anything I've come to learn this year, it's that life is hectic. There is nothing linear about the human story. We never know what lies ahead. Therefore the people and experiences that quiet the white noise and leave us content and at peace become that much more treasured. Making videos and releasing them is my way of quieting the white noise. From conception to upload, my intent is always geared toward how many ways I can make my audience smile. It's like a meditation on laughter. I can't quite imagine my life without it at the moment. This Thanksgiving I am grateful for you all. Your generosity and love allows me to do something that I had never imagined was possible- reach millions of people and bring them music and smiles. You humble me everyday, and I'm so deeply thankful for your presence in my life. Take the time to go around the Thanksgiving table or call a loved one and share what you are thankful for. Bask in the reflectiveness of this holiday. Even in life's chaos we've got the basics covered. Sending each and every one of you immense amounts of love and warmth. THANK YOU for your support, and I can't wait to see where this crazy journey takes us. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. xxMKR



Stefan "MaskinJunior" Ivarsson

Since thanksgiving is not a Swedish holiday, we rarely stop and consider how lucky we are for all those small things. The things we take for granted and doesn't know we will miss until we lost them. If life gets too hectic, relax. I have seen many YouTubers hit a wall trying to outpreform themselves from video to video., and the sad part is that when that happens they don't come back. Please remember, we love you and your videos as they are, Your best now exceeds our expectations, so do videos the way you enjoy making them, and we will be thankful for the excellent videos we get to see.


And I'm thankful to get to be a part of this ride with you, Malinda. Thank you for ever smirk, chuckle, guffaw, and even tear that your videos bring. Happy Thanksgiving!


It's coming up to a year when you had your appendix done time flies Enjoy your thanksgiving day and meal


Indeed, thanksgiving is supposed to be about giving thanks to the blessings in our life and we all have so many, whether we choose to see them or not. No matter if you have religious beliefs or not, giving thanks to the marvellous wonder of life, our biggest gift, and how we can help others, our second biggest, is nothing short of miraculous. And I love seeing you appreciate those gifts with every video you make. We love you, happy thanksgiving and God bless.


Aww your fur baby!!! Sienna?


We are thankful that there are wonderful people in the world like you who are willing to share their talent and gift, so that others may benefit from that. Bringing someone else a smile, or some level of enjoyment or contemplation in life, is truly a gift. Thanks so much!