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We did it.  We made it through the vast majority of 2020.  I have a few more surprises up my sleeve but in the meantime...

Here is an EOY wrap up email for you so that you can get a sense for what we did this year and where we are headed!!


MALINDA +105k subscribers

Twisted Translations +164k subscribers

-I’m very happy with that, though I do want to see a faster rate of growth on both channels in 2021 as I put out significantly more content.

Patreon +100 patrons (net as people come and go)

-Pledge growth has pretty much doubled!  Thank youuuu.


-We put out 5 new singles!

-We put all of the Ashinaga Uganda Rainbow House through school for the year

-We did our first virtual orchestra with over 50 musicians from 17 countries

-We did our first live in-person AND virtual shows

-Raised money for The Artist Fund, the Loveland Foundation and The Trevor Project through merch

-Built and incredible Discord community (THANK YOU TO OUR MODS!!!!)


-Malinda Kathleen Reese- President of MKR Productions Inc

-Hannah Tobias- Producer, video editor, songwriter

-Johnny Deltoro- Producer, songwriter

-Tom McGovern- Producer, video editor, performer, research

-Carrie Manolakos- Vocal coach

-Cristián Villagra- Orchestrator

-Direct Artist Management (Manager, Day-to-day manager, Manager’s assistant, Merch operations)

-My business management (Manager and Accountant)




(Under normal circumstances I work with various videographers and photographers that I trust for larger projects.)


-Social media intern (job application forthcoming!)

-One more additional performer/producer/editor/writer (similar to Tom’s role), BIPOC artist

-2 international artists that work on a seasonal basis with us (Europe, Asia)



-Record and release MALINDA debut album late spring, early summer with 3 singles prior to that

-Build my Spotify presence a lot more

-Write way more consistent original songs on the MALINDA YouTube channel

-Finish an animation we’ve been working on since April

-Do more live (where possible) and virtual shows

-Move Twisted Translations into the “informative comedy” world

-Take on more of a producer role for TT

-Direct several larger music videos for myself and others

-More engagement with organizations, possibly establish the More With You Foundation

-Establish a greater presence and build collaborators on TikTok (because I love it there)

-Work more with the Broadway community where possible

-Maybe start writing a movie?  Not sure about that.

It seems like it’s going to be the year of the ALBUM and my role as a “producer-artist.”  2020 felt slow on the output game for me because I was dealing with so much personally, as we all were.  But behind the scenes I've been training and writing more than I ever have in my life.  I feel so ready to stand on the shoulders of everything I’ve learned from this year, as an artist and as a human.  I want to tell stories that feel important.  And I feel more ready to do that than ever.

IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS for how to improve your Patreon experience please comment below or message me.  I am really really interested to know all of this.  2020 has created a community out of my Patreon more than I ever could have anticipated (mostly through the efforts of my amazing Discord), and I am SO grateful for that.  I want it to continue to be healthy and happy.  So feedback is always appreciated.

Thank you all for an extraordinary year, I adore you all, and I can’t wait to see what 2021 has for us.

Happy Holidays, everyone xx





I hope you are as happy with your progress as you look in that photo. You certainly deserve to be! And it seems like you have a serious business plan for the future while remaining an artist at the same time. Two hats! I like the promise of more original Malinda music. You know that's the main reason I'm here. ;-) 'Debut' album? What was Love Letter then? I like the sound of the More With You Foundation. Would that support various charities around the world? Also, should we start calling you Ms President now? :-D


Hey, lady. Congrats. This is exciting to see. Keep the grind, and keep being amazing. And let's hit the goals.


Love Letter was debut EP! This is a long form album coming out. And yes that’s the hope!


Well Done Malinda!! It looks like you've had an amazing year despite the challenges. As I'm just new to your patreon, I'll hold judgement and feedback for a while until I get to know it better. However, I do have some general feedback below that I'd really appreciate if you could consider it. For your new album will physical copies be made available like Love Letter? Will they also be available through perhaps a cheaper distribution channel than Love Letter was, as the international shipping made buying it quite expensive. I didn't get a copy until the very last minute because of that, so I would love to be able to get a copy of this album sooner. In regards to my point about shipping, I found your merch on tee-spring much easier to buy due to their cheaper international shipping rates. Would you consider working with them again in the future? Likely not next year, but in the future, would concerts in Europe be possible? I'd love to meet you and see you perform live. Thanks for taking the time to read that. I really enjoyed seeing everything you've done this year, and I'm very excited to see what you bring us next year!!! Happy Holidays!!!!


Ditto on the international shipping issue. The only reason I have no merch is because shipping to AUS often (at least) doubles the cost of whatever I had intended to buy. I understand exchange rates and taxes appear to inflate prices more than they actually do, but shipping is real - and the price varies so much from one company/platform to another. Buuuut, you know I'm here to support you and not for the benefits so whatever happens happens


That sounds like a great 2020 for you despite everything that happened, congratulations! What would "informative comedy" entail? Would stuff like your video on voting fall into this category? Cause it was one of my favorites, so I totally wouldn't mind more of these. Also I love the videos where two versions of the same person sit next to each other and react to what the other one says. Especially the voting video and the one about the gold award come to mind. To an even better 2021!


Full support, as always 😃


Ho-lee cow I didn't have a clue how much is going on behind the scenes! SO MANY PEOPLE in the Malinda crew, wow :O That's so cool :D It was only a few days ago that you started uploading GTS to youtube right :D ?


You are stupendous. Just sayin'. xo


You’ve come so far, Malinda! Always proud of you and your team :]


Proud to be a member of Team Malinda.


Not just talented, young and beautiful but an original comedian of the highest order. Or to put it another way, she makes me laugh. Happy to be supporting you and your growing team of clowns and acrobats. 😁👍