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Hello my dear patrons!

I know it's been a while since I've posted a video or music.  To be honest, I had to get back to a place where I felt like I have something to say.  I've been continuing to hone in on my mission statement with the channels I have and the music I make in order to make it a more inclusive and aware space for everyone.

Here's what I've come up with:

I want people to understand what it is to see goodness, purpose, worthiness and light in every person.  When I call you all "friends" that has a spiritual meaning for me (I went to a Quaker middle school and high school).  It's literally my way of saying "I see purpose and light and love in you" and I'm immediately giving you the space to express that in the way that feels most authentic to you.  It also means we have to acknowledge when we or someone we love or other people in the world stray from that connection- when we oppress each other, when we make war with each other- and actively work to move everyone forward.  

Sometimes that means laughing together.  Laughter is free medicine in a lot of situations.  Sometimes it means music that cuts to the heart of what we're feeling.  We have a lot of tools in our tool box to get through life, and I want to help everyone sharpen their tools as much as I can.

So with that, we have the More With You merch which I believe will get some additional products when we drop this next single.  I sent you all a demo a while back, but it's called "Loving You, Loving Me."  I had no intention of releasing this as I wanted it to come out with the album, but it's only become more relevant.  I need this song right now, and I think many of you might too.  So I won't hold it back.

As for more videos, I've got more little demos coming out on YouTube as well as a few challenges and such on MALINDA (suggestions for that channel specifically are SUPER appreciated right now).  Translator Fails is on a slightly longer break.  The Country Roads video was SO PERFECT for the moment, but I'm not hearing any songs or topics that are yelling at me super hard, and I just don't have the energy to force anything.  But know that if something comes up I will 100% act on the instinct to produce it.

As for now, I practice, I write, I begin producing again.

Thank you all for sticking with me.  We'll get back to videos next week.




Did you watch the stop motion I made of more with you


Malinda you are a light and bring it into the world. I'd support you because of what you believe in and fight for content or not. Keep being the amazing human you are and the universe will grace you with blessings.


I didn’t realize that you considered us all friends or even what “friends” mean to you. Thank you for letting us be your friends


How about a song about things beginning with the letter M, as you said it was your favourite letter? (I have suggested this on Discord also)


Your idea of a "friend" certainly means more than what I'm used to and that's awesome. I'll be honest though, I'm concerned I'll be able to meet that high standard. I'll certainly try. As for music/videos, you dont need to worry. I'd rather it come from the heart and be full of meaning than have something out there just for the sake of having something out there. Again, you're doing fine and have no reason to worry. I'm going to think of ways I can help, maybe with some suggestions you mentioned you'd appreciate.


What Ra said. And when we fail, we examine the situation to see if we were intentional or clumsy or sabotaged. And we learn, and we grow. Resist, Rest, Repeat, has been my mantra these last three years. The Rest is important. You know all the memes about not pouring from an empty pot. Take all the time you need. New seeds are being sown, and seeds grow best in dark silence.


P. S. Thanks for letting us know where you are.

Stefan "MaskinJunior" Ivarsson

I have to be honest I was a bit hesitant to become a patron in the beginning, just because it would feel a bit strange to pay someone to be my friend. I expect that would feel strange in any culture. But looking back it is not a decision I have had any reason to regret. I am still however a bit afraid it is a kind of relationship that will be hard to scale. Something I particularly felt when missing a lot of live streams during the pandemic since Sweden didn't lockdown, so I have been working a lot thru it. But I didn't leave Simone Robot-Queen Giertz during her brain-tumor related non productive period, so I will not be leaving you during this political turmoil writer's block. I just hope you come back (as the comedy singer/writer) I decided to support on Patreon at the other side.


Thank you Malinda 💙 As far as a suggestion for the music channel, I'd love to hear some Celtic from your beautiful voice, especially since you love it so much & that you were going to perform with that group before the craziness happened :) I'd also love to hear a cover of a song that you loved as a kid, and why you love(d) it so much 🤗💙🤗💙


That all makes sense to me. I think your message is one the world sorely needs, especially now. And I adore LYLM, so I'm not gonna complain if you decide to release that song! As for suggestions, I'd *love* to hear you do a cover of Alesha Keys' New York song.


Thank you Malinda. I, too, grew up eating Quaker® Oats as a child! -Nyuk yuk! I continue to believe that the collaborative energy that comes from collaborating with other musicians can breathe new life into your work. And everybody else’s. Especially when it can be done via remote, in the name of COVID safety. If you like Celtic, as Rachel Oriatti suggests, I’m friends with a member of the Young Dubliners. But there was that study. Exposing ourselves to new music, new melodies, new modalities, and particularly to new musical instruments improves a person’s brain health. In other words, neuroelasticity, and even brain mass were increased in the study participants. I have no clue how to contact Patty Gurdy, but you’re not gonna find a more Celtic sound than that! And nobody’s ever heard of the hurdy gurdy before. I have been able to reach Luna Moon and also Carolina Eyck. They were very intrigued by the findings of that study. So if you wanna collaborate with the undisputed Virtuosi of the Guyagem or the Theremin, they are fully on board. In spirit. The devil is on the details, as they say. I’ve worked for decades in the studio of a world famous voice coach. I could ask if he knows how to reach Patty Gurdy. Or Weird Al, perhaps! I’ve noticed that he has collaborated with several prominent comic musicians. So I guess he must be open to that. Al probably has an agent you call or write to. But it occurs to me that you could do something kinda funny, in a snarky kind of way. Maybe it would be fun to sing a duet with the absence of a person you’d like to record a duet with. You might have some kind of text thing flashing in the middle of the screen while there is just a weak accompaniment and no voice where the voice should be. This would mostly work with a familiar song. Anyway, your recent video with so many musicians collaborating with you made my heart sing along with you. It was so delicious. Thank you for that video!!!!!!!!








Patty’s gurdy is electrified, and has several extra drone strings. Making it the only instrument like it in the world. Please tell me this isn’t the kind of sound Rachel Oriatti is asking for!




This guy is also very good!




Malinda, I was so moved by this paragraph (copied below). Thank you for your love and care for humanity.


I want people to understand what it is to see goodness, purpose, worthiness and light in every person. When I call you all "friends" that has a spiritual meaning for me (I went to a Quaker middle school and high school). It's literally my way of saying "I see purpose and light and love in you" and I'm immediately giving you the space to express that in the way that feels most authentic to you. It also means we have to acknowledge when we or someone we love or other people in the world stray from that connection- when we oppress each other, when we make war with each other- and actively work to move everyone forward.








Yum, you’re absolutely spot on.


That’s part of the point- the standard is just be yourself and be kind 😋❤️


Heart of stone from six?


It occurs to me, Malinda, that you playing every Theremin would be funnier than anything Carolina could do. You couldn’t play that thing if your life depended on it! I sure couldn’t! Yikes! I was terrible!


David Pihl, du schreibst zu viel.


Entschuldigung sie mich bitte.


Hi Malinda. So, you would like some suggestions for your Malinda channel? I love your deeper and more meaningful songs the most, however I understand they can be a lot of work to create and can't expect you to keep up with that standard every video. So, some ideas using some of your other brilliant skills, like either simply reflecting on personal thoughts or creating somewhat trivial songs about random things: 1. Do something every day to help someone or make someone feel special and discuss or sing about your experiences at the end of the week. Not a boastful song, but something about how they reacted and, more importantly, the way it made YOU feel to give or help. 2. Just a song idea: a song about how hard it is to make a song. 3. I hate the 'Happy Birthday' song. Let's create a new, improved Malindique version. 4. Sing a song about your friends and those who help you in your videos, your family, your inspirations. 5. For more of a challenge, how about a comedy song about a guy or gal with a hangover who wants the song to stop...but it doesn't. Something like the "this is the song that doesn't end" song. 6. An 'ode to boyfriend/girlfriend' romantic comedy whereas the girlfriend becomes jealous and insecure because she sees the bf talking to another woman. At the end of the video, she discovers the jealousy is misplaced and finds out how and why she loves him so deeply. 7. Your song Little Love is my favourite song of yours. I just wanted to sneak that in and disguise it as a suggestion when it's not. 8. A song about hope for the ill. So I can picture you playing a sick person and the struggle you are going through, however the chorus is one filled with what inspires and gives you hope. Every verse is about a new challenge, however you are indeed improving. 9. And if none of my ideas inspire you, then I know I speak for every patron here, we definitely welcome more covers you love, because your voice and character is what brought us here.


Wow! Alice in Wonderland fan, are you? Reminds me of my favourite version of it where the dormouse sings just this. "M is for Marvelous, don't you agree. For 'M' is the letter for Me."