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Hello my beautiful patrons,

I was doing some journaling today and wanted to share it with you :).  

In the future I'll be sharing my journal exercises on Discord, so if any of you haven't joined the server at the $2+ level yet, you are SO missing out.  It is an incredible community full of some of the most supportive, compassionate and enthusiastic people I've ever met.  And if you haven't successfully joined the Discord here's an article to help! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role

The way my journaling works is I'll have a starting idea or a prompt.  I'll then set a timer for 5 minutes or longer and type constantly.  The goal is don't stop typing even if I type the word "puppy" for several lines.  And then I see what happens from there.  Here was my 5 minute stream of consciousness today as I was thinking specifically about my upcoming single, More With You.


Prompt: "I want people to feel..."

I want people to feel a connection to me and to people they don’t know.  I’ve come to learn through doing YouTube and seeing YouTuber’s live shows that only 50% of a YouTuber’s brand is about them and what they give.  It’s about everyone else in the community and feeling like you are experiencing something with other people who share your values and interests. I think sharing of values is something that is especially important right now- you can both like the Beatles, but if you both agree that every human has a bit of good in them and you can articulate where that comes from in yourself that’s a strong moment to have with someone.  Music or any content we put online is just a catalyst for connection.  And no community works without a guiding figure.  Not an authoritative one.  I don’t see myself as more intelligent or better than anyone that follows me.  I just see myself as someone who loves to share what I’m thinking and feeling and feels called to create a space for people to do the same.  And I see that as a really strong responsibility to guide that conversation into a place that is always constructive.  Even if we tackle hatred, internal or external, I won’t ignore it.  I’ll hear it but I always show my viewers a kind and light way out.  That is super important to me because joy, kindness and wholesomeness can bond us, but so can shared suffering.  And I think a lot of young people are suffering from isolation right now.  This was a pre-pandemic issue.  Self-comparison is a form of isolation.  Feeling like you need to perform who you are is a form of isolation; isolating yourself from who you really are.  And now it’s even more literal.  More With You is about the fact that we can feel all of these things that make us feel like we’re alone, but there’s a togetherness in that aloneness that when we acknowledge it turns into connection.  Isolation is loneliness until it’s aired out, discussed and listened to- and suddenly it’s a bond.


I hope you all are doing swimmingly.  I've got more videos coming for you this week and next week as well as a secret demo for yet another single :D :D :D




This was incredibly touching, thank you 🥺


Beautiful <3

sam knetsch

that was amazing


Thank you for sharing that, it’s beautiful


Thank you for sharing this! ❤️


That was interesting. Honestly, it’s different from a lot of your songs. I’d say do what you want to do with it