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Hello my amazing patrons,

I was asked by a patron on Discord how I'm really doing in the midst of all of this.  I've so appreciated your messages of support and concern for me being in NYC during this time, and I extend the same concern back to all of you!  I hope you are all staying inside and that you and your families are safe and healthy.  I figured I'd update everyone the same way I updated the folks on Discord.

The two takeaways here: I am fine, and Patreon has never been more important.  

There's tension in the air here in NY.  I was exposed to the virus back on the 12th and have been isolating and quarantined since we found out.  At the end of this week I'll see my "family unit" of two friends again for the first time.  Everyone is cleared and recovered.  My family is in a safer part of the country, thankfully.  They're way more worried about me than about themselves, and I'm way more worried about them than about myself, as to be expected.  But we are all doing everything we can to keep ourselves and our family units safe.  

I'm having to take pretty extraordinary care of myself in my lil studio apartment, being someone diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  I'm having to meditate way more than normal or just sit and process everything, which takes a bite out of my productivity, but with good reason.  I have pretty serious respiratory allergies that have been in play since the beginning of March, which is frustrating because I'm constantly paranoid xD.  I also have anxiety symptoms that mimic a respiratory issue, but I've got professional help to control them.  Basically taking care of myself in this situation just demands more time and attention than I'd like it to, but hopefully as the days go on I'll get more and more used to it.

As for my job/my income, ad revenue thus far is ok (always anticipating some disaster there), and you all have stayed firm, bless you.  The main chunk of income I can't count on anymore is brand deals, as brands are either scared to spend, or if they're an online service they're so overwhelmed that they're trying to keep up with demand.  So as a comparatively smaller creator I won't see as many of those, and that normally helps pay for larger music videos and albums.  

I wanted to send this note really to ensure that you all understand the impact you have being a patron, not just of me but of any artist.  So many artists who rely on the gig economy are low on/out of work, including some people I hire regularly.  So when you all support me, you aren't just keeping me afloat and allowing me to produce work that suddenly feels urgent in these times.  

You're helping me pay my producers, who are also taking a big hit in income as large studio sessions get cancelled.  

You're helping me pay the musicians who would have had several shows/tours lined up this month.  

You're helping me pay my team as we strategize on how to move forward.

My album release has been postponed to January 2021 (who knows if that will stick) but I plan on releasing singles every month until then, recorded remotely when we have to.  I am trying to expand the number of musicians I employ for remote recording to keep them working.  

That said, if you as a patron have any more to give in the next few months, the whole team would deeply appreciate it.

The stronger my Patreon is the more musicians and producers we can pay as we work remotely.  I pretty consistently spend at least 50% of my Patreon income on collaborators like these, but I want to raise that percentage if possible, not just to take care of my community, but to make some dope art!!

I am so dedicated to bringing you all a little space to either escape or just feel.  And I am dedicated to hiring as many artists in the process as I possibly can.  This community is not just about me.  You all are a part of the livelihoods of so many people.

Thank you for sticking with me through all of this.  Just know I appreciate every single one of you, and I'm thrilled to see you all supporting each other on Discord and elsewhere.  If you're feeling down, Team Malinda and "Watermelonia" is always here for you. :)




Thank you. Be well.


You take care.


Hang in there Malinda. Sounds like you're doing all the right things to take care of yourself, so it's just a matter of time till we all come out the other end of this. Our neighbour's son is on quarantine (or 'corn teen' as I saw on a sign online) on about the same schedule as you.


Stay strong and stay safe Malinda! Someone probably already pointed this to you, but Patreon set up a fund to help artists affected by the crisis: https://go.patreon.com/what-the-fund Maybe this can help you or help folks you know? Cheers!


These are hard times for everyone-- I'm glad you're doing as well as you are. Take care, Malinda!


up-tiered. dc area going more into ordered stay at home mode. stay strong!


OMG Thank you so much for taking care of fellow artists and musicians as well <3 Don't really know much else to say but just <3

Jason Tarr

I just became a Patreon, I have wanted to support you once able. I enjoy your content, and love your music. Glad to help out in any way I can.


I just became a Patreon and I'm happy to support you and your team. I listened to your music and stuff a long time now and I'm glad being finally able to support you even more :)