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Here's the first Exclusive of the New Year, featuring one of my OCs, Reisha. I really want to do characters sheets for my main OCs, but it's all about finding the time to not only draw them, but also do research. Most of my OCs actually have somewhat robust backstories, with pages of lore written over the last 10 years. I haven't exactly parsed out what I consider canon recently, but there's still a lot of material there to work with.

Reisha and Erin (two of my most prominent characters) were not created with pinup art in mind -- they were created both as roleplaying characters in the old days of GaiaOnline, as well as featuring as main characters in my amateur novel-writing pursuits.

I actually find it to be a lot of fun doing research on designing the character's story and visual design. These characters occupy a scifi-fantasy world, so I have a lot of creative freedom in designing my own world. However, I find it a little too easy sometimes to just go with designs that look cool, interesting, or whacky -- I want most of my design elements to be rooted in reasoning and some kind of plausibility.

I'm hoping to post a character sheet for Reisha sometime soon, for those of you who like detailed lore and character design stuff. c:

PS: Anyone have any favorite feet gifs? I'm trying to get a small collection going -- I like to use them on these posts sometimes. c:




I love your OCs, so much 😍 You also know I realyl wanna read everything baout your characters, but as you wrote, time is a thing here, but when you post it one day I will read every single word of it 🥰 I also love to think and write huge story and facts about my OCs Reisha seems a bit more "domme" like... and I do not mean this in any bad way. As for the gufs: Try to go to giphy.com and write soles, feet foot etc. in the search bar and you find some nice gifs, or makeagif.com, works the same way here 😁


The dialogue on this is almost as beautiful as her feet~ I love it! I also really appreciate the worn fishnets. Normally I don't get much out of them, but something about the errant, strained strands of fabric stretching across her toe and heel calls out to me. Predictably, I do think this'd do really well with a scent variant! You always draw it so wonderfully; every time someone remarks on the smell of their feet without one, I feel a little bit robbed... Regardless, this is excellent~ I'm rather curious about the stories you've mentioned, but I understand that doing 10 years of history justice, in a limited span of time, can be difficult. I respect the research hustle (I do a lot of it, both when writing/playing characters and in general), and I look forward to the upcoming character sheet! ♥


Reisha was definitely designed with a kind of dominatrix idea in mind... Her original outfit from back in the day was almost an overtly leather dominatrix getup, so in my current WIP character sheet, I'm trying to figure out ways to keep in little design nuances from that original design, while still going in a new, more sensible direction. XD


Dammit you are right! I don't know why I forgot that variant on this one, I'll try and get one uploaded ASAP. They don't take long at all, less than five minutes usually, but when I'm eager to upload the piece sometimes I get too excited and forget. XD