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I wanted to do something a little different with this piece. I often come at my drawings from the perspective that these are photos, often with the character modeling and fully-aware of the viewer. I decided to touch more on that with this piece, with the idea of our favorite Chozo-trained bounty hunter, Samus, posting a goofy and playful Instagram photo.

Very little of this piece was planned out from the start; it initially started out as the Instagram photo idea, but I wasn't sure who the character was going to be. I did the background, which kind of locked me into a modern or scifi theme, and only then did I decide to refine the loose figure sketch into Samus, wearing one of her less-common under-armour outfits. The drink in her hand was initially going to be a beer, to reflect Samus's rugged character, but changed it to wine, if only to get away with the silly caption.

I was very close to calling it finished, once the character was colored and all seemed good to go, but it was bugging me; it felt very flat. I ended up fixing Samus's face (profiles are tough), thickened the lineart to make the whole figure more visible, and heightened the contrast in the skin and the costume/top. Finally, I decided I wanted a more grunge Samus, so I added the streaking eyeliner and tattoos. Overall, I'm very happy with this piece.

Dirty variant will be coming later -- I'm not sure if I'm going to do a sock variant for this, or whether I'll just move on to the next Exclusive.

Let me know what you think of Samus in the comments below!




Lol! The caption is very clever! At least I think. I also find it really cool how all the comments to her post are from Smash characters, and I like how all their comments are in line with their characters. As always the feet are gorgeous! Drawn with such detail that You can almost mistake them for real! I would always enjoy a dirty variant, but that’s just my opinion. Whatever you choose to do, I can’t wait to see what’s next!


Oh my god I love this so much. Love how casually aware she is of her own foot odor. So sexy <3


This turned out great I was really excited to see how it turned out and was curious why it looked like an Instagram post lol. Also might I suggest if you’re not sure about a sock variant maybe some nylons could fit here instead!


Nice! You can never go wrong with Samus! I was never the biggest fan of Metroid or anything, I mean I like a good Metroid game, but always loved her design


The Prime games were great, and so was Super Metroid. Not the greatest games in terms of character development, but they were very rewarding regardless. 😃


Thank you! I was originally gonna do characters just from Metroid, but then I realized there aren’t any. 👍


I'm always happy to see more Samus Aran~ I also want to know that I love the dialogue here - in particular that she says the smell of her own feet is "Waayyy too much for me." ...that is, too much *for her,* someone who we've already seen with her nose blissfully buried in one of her boots, so her feet must *really* clear a room right now!~ ❤ And yes, the casual acknowledgement of her own foot odor is awesome! There's something really hot about how calm and confident she is about it, *especially* in contrast with the intense implications~ ❤❤ I'm really looking forward to the dirty version of this; here's hoping it's a real knockout~!


The social media theme is great and I love it


As said before. We need more of this social media posts. Those are fun, include a nice artwork and you also can include so many more characters