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Samus contemplates her last mission with her feet bared.

Also, some faces. ^_^

Content roadmap for next month coming soon!




Always a pleasure to see Samus, And your expression studies are just amazing <3


I love the bottom right expression


I love it! Any plans to colour it in?


Ooh... I love that Samus pic


Not currently, but who knows, maybe I'll convert it into an Exclusive at some point... I don't want to make it a habit of using the sketches as the base for exclusives, since that would kind of dilute the content in a way, as I want as many unique pieces going up as possible, but as the Patreon page grows, maybe I'll start doing that, and we'll have, say, a fourth exclusive that is a colored and completed version of one of the previously-done sketches.


Thank you! It's been said a few times that the characters I draw all have a serious case of "same face", and I do see what they mean (even though they are rude about it). I'm trying to get that practice in for more expressive faces.


For sure, I get it. It's just, you have done such a good pic of Samus, it deserves colour imo ;) but of course you do whatever is right for you and your patreon!