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As teased previously, here is the FULL SET of exclusive Wonder Woman painting variants, including the standard clean (seen here), as well as socks, pantyhose, and dirty versions, AS WELL as the pre-colored lineart file.

I had a lot of fun with this one, especially trying to capture Gal Gadot's likeness. Most often, I will look up a photo of the actress I'm trying to portray, keep a tab of the photo next to my Photoshop file, and loosely sketch. I'll slowly narrow down the specifics of the features into a lineart, and then I'll color. It's challenging with my art style, which is not hyper-realistic, meaning I have to crystallize the most recognizable, major aspects of the person's likeness.

I tend to struggle coloring surfaces like the pauldron, which has very few stark features, and has a more smooth, reflective surface. That means it is difficult to convey depth and texture, using only colors, and not any harsh lineart strokes.

I hope you all like how she came out! I love Gal Gadot's portrayal of the character, and I will likely be doing more of her in the future.

What do you like most about the image? Do you want to see more Wonder Woman? Comment below!



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