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Let me tell you guys a fun story:

Morgan was supposed to be the villain for Lene’s questline and her final boss(This Morgan, I mean, not the one in-game). The questline would’ve been a bit different than what we currently have, with the large divergence point being the end of the second quest. In the original plan, Lene would find the tower, go in there with guns blazing, and fight a “leader” type of experiment. (Another cut character. She was going to be the sadistic big sis experiment) with the help of a little sister experiment who didn’t like Morgan’s actions (That was the old Peach plan).

With the player, Lene would destroy the Witch’s energy source in their basement and leave feeling like they’ve done a good job!

Aand then, together with a bunch of generic experiments, Morgan would hunt down Lene as vengeance, twisting the whole vengeance idea on Lene’s quests. There would’ve been a Pursolis siege, with some of the combat able villagers trying to defend the place from hordes of experiments, ending with the death of all of Morgan’s goons, Peach included.

That was, obviously, outside of the scope for a single quest and I was suffering from intense burnout when I was doing Lene’s third quest, so a lot got changed around… but honestly, the biggest reason that quest was scrapped was because between Lene’s second quest and third quest I kinda forgot about that plan and added not only the Witch’s tower, but also Peach, making it so I couldn’t use them for what I planned. Maybe it was for the best.

Either way, Morgan is one of the very few characters that got scrapped from the game after being planned well in advance. I might do the other characters that I did give up on just because I really like designing characters! That I remember from the top of my head, there was a lazy Bear adventurer girl who got scrapped from Clarine’s quest and would act as a mentor for her very early on (top 5 regrets). The Grand Merchant from Elinnie’s quest that would’ve made an appearance, A femboy that would’ve fought for Lamir’s affection in her questline(Lamir’s current questline is 100% different from the original idea, as you can see), a Mr.Hyde visual for Maribel’s Dr.Jenkyl and the sadistic big sis experiment I just mentioned. There’s also Nameless’s owner, but that one might end up appearing, who knows.

And to keep up with the tradition of putting the whole family side by side every time a new Lene family member is drawn, here it is:

She's probably still not appearing in the game in this form. At most, she'll be in a flashback or as a ghost.



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