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🌞Hello Patrons!

I'm back, days later after I required to practice a therapy to recover back my wellness after the health issue which caused me trouble these weeks.

Let's say my stress and anxiety had an impact again on me and my bowel along this summer, so after some preparation and help I had to make a few days of fasting in order to give time to my body to cleanse, then focus on a more healthy and nutritive diet, to gain back my energy and normal flow.

This problem is causing me trouble since years, specially while working sitting at the computer, because of the long spans of time I dedicate to such static activity, and I had to combine these recovery days with moderated physical activity to re-educate my digestive system to work properly.

💚I keep going through this recovery, but now I feel better to resume back a partial workload for this month 😉

I had in mind lots of things for September and next Halloween, however I'm in the need to reduce the production time again, and focus on the basic poll contents and the new game updates this month.

I guess I can take the next weeks to learn how I could adjust the workflow while I wait for the results of the analysis, but I have decided to make a pause again on October, so, those who keep the pledge for September, will get access to October contents too.

ℹ No worries for those who stay out until November, you know you can resume back when you prefer and access all the previous updates 😉

This option should let me catch out the delayed production and think about several changes to protect the community contents due to the recent policy implementations over several platforms.

I will keep working on cleaning Patreon's posts from potential non-suitable contents here and prepare the next galleries and locations to diversify the content types and my activity, as long as my health lets me.

The roadmap for August and September hasn't changed much due to these events, so here's the list of achievements for the next days 😀

  • (Overwatch Extra) Sombra (in progress)
  • Princess Daisy (in progress)
  • Ichika and Mori tickle love take 2

Marvel DC and the recent girl2girl polls will run in background and I will share progress when I can spare more time on them. I will post next the usual Silver and Golden Poll (just one per tier) and resume the activity as soon as I can recover my timesheet at the computer.

Amirian Curse

I have added the lieutenants and Boudicca's interactive domination scenes. These doesn't have yet text nor dialogs, so I'll keep updating them next months with the missing texts as I can prepare some quotes. I feel the deadline of the current roadmap will be delayed several months over 2024 and I will resume back the production this week.

Obsidian Lust

I keep working on the interactive animation framework conversion. Some tasks are tedious because I have TOO MANY framesets for Vivian and the lees in the scenes 😆 and now with this feature I realize I can reduce dramatically some sprite sheets keeping the same effect and reducing the efforts lol. I'm on it, I would like to share these next weeks the results too.

Alice Summer Games

This mini-game will turn eventually into Alice's Games (name yet to define) and i will share the source for Platinums eventually, so they can toy around with RPG Maker and the scenes, while I share a public release for the Patreon community then open to ITCH, DA and other platforms 😀

I want to cover those special events throughout the year with different outfits and themes, including Halloween, Valentine, Thanks giving, Christmas, Newyear ... I can't promise it will be released on the specific dates (obviously not on Halloween) but you will be able to play with Alice and the girls to unlock new events fired by special dates. The game will have some more areas than the beach to play around, and I want to add there different kinks and INTERACTIVE animations from our hall of fame 😁

ℹ Patreon release will include the gorgeous voice of our talented Voice Actress: Midnight Datura, whose voice samples will be removed from the shared source and open release due to ip protection.

I still feel a bit weak these days, after the therapy, but feeling already creative, eager to resume back the activity and loving to bring all those cute performers on the stage for us 😄🍺

Stay safe and creative!





Glad you're doing better. Just make sure you stay that way


No day I stop working on it, bud ^^ My most wanted wish is to recover back the time to bring on all those new contents and mini-games 😁🍺