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🌞Hi Patrons!

Not much progress these days due to the health thing again 😩 (Boooo!!!)

I think I know what I'm dealing with this time, so I'll check out with the doctor again these days. The problem is it causes me some  uncomfortable effects while I'm working, so I need to stand up and move often. Hopefully with some diet and a good treatment I can fix it for good.

This week I've been fixing the lieutenants and Boudicca's domination scenes. Testing them right now in the game 😉

Meanwhile, I opened for you some new polls so I can work on these ladies by priority order 🍺😁

these polls ain't a priority atm so I'll spare some hours for them when I'm more relaxed and open to explore. The girl order in the poll doesn't define the tickler and lee positions, so I can swap them or even make variations for both.

🌞Now, what's left to do before september?

  • Pharah (in progress)
  • Princess Daisy (in progress)
  • Spider Woman (in progress)
  • new Diamond Tier commission to explore more girl2girl tickles 😁

I'd love to have them all ready for the early days of September, but as said above, I'll take my priorities with the recovering process.

Next weeks I'd like to share another update on Amirian, meanwhile, I'm already working to prepare Vivian's animations with the new engine, which has made things easier for me since I started playing with it. Let's give it some more time and see how the game grows 😁

Also, an extra update for Alice Summer Games is coming, adding some random texts in action and importing a new range of VA samples for the girls 🤩 thanks to Midnight Datura!

This release will include the public one for the remaining tiers and the open project for Platinums and upper tiers which will be able to play around if they own rpgmaker 😉 I'm working in background to prepare my itch.io page to share some demos and resources for you all, and a reliable standalone minigame to prepare special events through the year 🎃

ℹ A reminder for those active patrons in the open tiers, from September your pledge will be resumed again.

Thanks so much for your support guys 😊




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