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🌞Hi Patrons!

We have just crossed the summer solstice and heat is hitting hard in the Mediterranean hehe.

⭐It's time to bring Amirian Curse's next update!

Although it won't be big, I'll try to introduce as many animations for Boudicca as I can, while I'm also fixing some logics in the quest outline for Boudicca, the lieutenants and the Bizarre collectionist in the capital city.

Now I'm working som sone mew ler poses for the succubi and the cultists, so I can keep Boudicca busy. Next round will come the animations for the three lieutenants, and may be some more extras.

These weeks I'll keep Vivian's project aside, while I keep updating and preparing the new animations, which I will share here as soon as I get them ready to merge them in the game.

⭐What's next?

Done with WidowMaker and Pauline now I can focus on the game animations and the next affair of Master LonelySupport's cute OCs 😍 I've just finished recently other pending commission variations, so I can at last have the road clean for new works!

  • Suisen Ichika and Mori tickled by Kino - New consensual lee lovers pose to get started this week.
  • Some extra pinups and random animations, maybe for Vivian
▶ Remember that Golden Kuns have a nice poll to pick among different series to bring in if we get the current list completed 😁

Meanwhile, I've just posted a quick teaser of a source animation project with Alice, so you can use a great free tool to edit and replace the palette or even add and modify your own sprites, or other assets I will share on next releases 😉

ℹ I plan to prepare the most easy and basic setups with Alice, Lana and Velora, then add hair variations and different feet, hands and tools to use with chair-tied tickling, stocks tickling and other sets.

⭐Keep it easy...

and that's what I'm going to do these next weeks, while I resume the roadmap, as I need to keep stress away. I'm recovering from the last health issues and I just need to track the progress with the doctor monthly. Sport and healthy organic diet are great to complement the zero-stress way.

⭐And breath!!!

Breath... breath deep and as much as you can, fresh air, in the outside, even open the window if you don't have to move out.

Sitting routine in our job and free time keeps low our breathing activity and we loose oxygenation, we do it through years and our body gets used to prioritize other tasks and intellectual bullshit before something that basic for our health and wellness, which means we may get ill easier. Lack of oxygenation means acidification, and our body gets sick with that.

Breathing is free (at the moment😅) so breath as much as you can and practice energic breathing to feel better, more alive, creative and proactive (also a bit dizzy at first heheh)

3 hours of energic breathing helped me to avoid going to the hospital  these last days 😄✊🏼




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