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⭐ Yo, Patrons!

I have just prepared this post as a continuation from the download, since I had a strange error writing the original.

So! here is the update!

You will find here a walkthrough and some spoilers about the new contents.

How to play it (without debug)

The game should now allow you to progress building the dungeons, the workshops the treasury and some specific upgrades in the main halls, such as the laboratory or the store, which you will be able to unlock when you have enough gold and crafting materials, which you can get from the hotspots in the western lands.

The best option here is to pay attention to the QuestLog, which will provide you a basic guideline of what to do through the first gameplay, but you may ask Boo also (in the player inventory) so you get some more details on your progress.

Let's assume you miss out Debug Mode after the intro. You can start exploring the tower, as you move through the doors, you will eventually reach the main hall, a vertical map of the tower which I'm quite proud of xDDD. All doors are locked here, but the ones from the first floor (your starting point), go to the lower and upper floors to update the first quest, spotting the basic rooms, and opening some new side-quests on the dungeons and the workshops, the most important locations in this release.

Nope, not yet! But I'm adding these to the game soon😉 

When you leave the tower, you can move west to explore the lost forest. There you will capture imps and find resources. You need imps to gather resources first, since Vivian is quite a sassy lady, and don't want to spoil her nails.

As you increase the imp numbers, some locations won't spawn them again (you'll need to find them in more maps onwards), but you can come back to the forest as many times as you need to respawn them while you don't get more than 20. With 2-3 imps you can now gather wood, stone and iron.

With 10 wood, you can also now repair the boat located at the south of the island, required to let you explore the main land.

ℹ Such boat will let you explore freely the map in future tower upgrades (not yet available in this release).

I'd suggest to go to the western land, since there are more hotspots which you can use to gather resources:

Stone and iron in the mines and quarry (look for the cave entrance at the mountains), wood on the cabin close to the forest at the east, then the farms to generate random loot and battlers.

When you've got enough building materials, you can now go back to the tower and proceed to unlock the workshops and the dungeon.

ℹ You cannot capture foes until you have the dungeon ready.

The dungeons might be tricky at first, but it follows a simple logic, capture magicians, guards and priestesses, so you can meet them in the prison, then go on each one, to select her fate :D (no scenes here yet, sorry, just imagine how nice they will look after we've got them ^^)

ℹ When you convert the first guard to your side, she will remain at the dungeon, so you can now use her for upgrading the dungeons and convert enemies faster.

Each upgrade will raise the required amount of gold, so you will need to loot more money exploring the lands.

When you have many prisoners, you can ask the dungeon guard to convert them all to your side, then they will join you.

Though I guess you'll prefer to take your time on such task 🖐🏼😁🖐🏼

As you convert more units, more npcs will spot in the halls and rooms, so you can eventually use them for other options.

  • Magicians will let you to upgrade the laboratory and the libraries
  • Guards let you to upgrade the dungeons and the treasury
  • Acolytes will let you upgrade the store and some more rooms on next updates too

Each type will provide a set of options within the tower, and can be joined later to the party, as Vivian will have to battle against many foes in future battles, attempting to introduce here a tactical rpg battle.

After you have converted some of them, you can explore the main halls and Vivian's room to try upgrading the tower with a laboratory (potion crafting coming soon), a store (shoppers, collections and trading), libraries (learn new spells and unlock specific options on next updates), vivian's room (play with more furniture)

Vivian may earn some lust points on the dungeons when playing with the furniture (there will be more ways to earn lust), then if she goes to sleep, yina may appear to feed from her lust, playing a random scene. There's no funcionality here at the moment, besides removing Vivian's lust score, but I'd like to improve it with a progress bar and some looping options, besides more random animations.

I'm busy with the basic contents, but I'd love to give that lust gauge some special feature when Vivian hits the top ...
⭐ Maybe like this!🤩

Some Tips

ℹ You can get potions, resources and treasures by using both the Debug Mode (activate through setup option on Ask Boo) and the chest in Vivian's room. Such options shall be removed in future updates as the gameplay introduces more crafting and item gathering.
ℹ When you unlock the treasury, you can use the loot you get from the mimic chest to convert jewels and gold bars into gold in the treasury room.

Now, this is it! 💪🏼

Ýou are free to explore the lands and keep adding more and more units to your tower 😆 We will decide what to make with them on next releases 😁

Let the kuns be back in few days with more gifs! 😄
Rpg-Kun - Part 2


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