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Happy New 2022, Patrons !!


I wish you a new year full of sexy giggles 😁

I hope you all had a great year transition. Me? I still recovering🥴🍸, that sucks, feeling better though! 💪🏼

World is a bit better now, but we've got yet a LOT of girls to tickle!! 😁


Patreon Polls

Girls !! Girls !! 😲
Be careful with such lipstick !! you're spoliling her feet before time !!😒

Commissions and Diamond Tiers

  • Street Fighter - Cammy tickled by Juri
  • Amelia Elora and guards tickled by cultits
  • Sadayo Kawakami classroom lesson part 2
  • Darkness from Konosuba
  • Fairy Tail Lucy
  • Yugi Oh - Silent Magician
It's time also to introduce Juri in the Street Laugher Show 😁
You know we needed her to nibble the tootsies of our performers 😛

Starting Amirian Curse's new roadmap

I'm always looking to improve little things in the game, however for those next weeks I need to work over the quest design and deployment, testing and scene setup, I may need to take some time from the animations. I'll post frames and single animations from time to time to share here the progress.

😉 Same as the early stages of the game, upon I get the new quests ready, I'll fill them with the animations ^^

This is the list of animations to come, sorted by priority:

  • Anne tickled in the Vampiress coffin
  • Anne tickled by a Chest Mimic
  • Anne tickled stuck on tickling
  • Anne tickled by the Mothgirl
  • Vampiress tickled in her coffin (Wake up and Domination)
  • Anne tickled by ghosts
  • Mothgirl tickled by Anne (Domination)
  • Anne tickled by a Chair Mimic
  • Anne tickled by wraith

But I'm also thinking to import in background several assets from other series, in order to make the Velvet Rug Pub more interesting, including:

  • Walls of Tickling (faster deployment)
  • Stocks tickling (moderate deployment)
  • Worshiping throne (more time consuming deployment)
  • Adding ticklers: maids and sexy bunnies 😋 (I'll thake my time on these ...)

Let's get started!!

🎁 2022Kun



Chad Frasemer

The mimic one looks promising. XD


Are you wanting to get multiple of the things on the list in the January update? Or just work your way down and add one per update?


I think it will be the second, I'll keep working giving priority to the polls and the game, diamond tiers then commissions and extra works. I'm begining with the first 2 animations for Anne in the game, coffin and mimics.