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Hi Patrons!!

Here we are at last!!🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳

Another year is going heeheh, time flies!! and I yet have the feeling I have a lot to do 😛

Who want to put her warm leggins on? 😍

I'm so happy I've been able to progress with our project up to this point, thanks to your much valuable support, I'm slowly increasing our gallery and game contents.

These days I'm finishing some Tifa-Aerith animations, which will work as a base for the game and more potential girls in the polls.

There's yet much work to do, and business to finish from the last month, so here we go !!! 

Commissions and Requests

  • Konosuba - Darkness
  • Yugih Oh - Silent Magician
  • Fairy Tail - Lucy

What about Amirian?

I'll dedicate this month to Sina's sexy doppelganger we added recently to the game 😉

Campsite interactions among Anne and Yina, and  potential random battle domination scenes 😋

Now what's next for 2022?

Apologies 😛 I felt kinda hyperactive these last weeks trying to advance in other stuff and learnings, I felt like I was in the path at last, to make many things I wanted since years ago lol

Besides the rpg ideas going on, I'll keep learning and working with Godot as base for interactions and platformer templates, then take back some blender classes too, when I can spare the time, I'd love to do eventually some 3d animations.

... now some words:

Truth to be told though, I've also been worried about the current situation in EU and worldwide, thus I needed to comment it too, that's the reason I may have been kind of silent or stuck with the progress in some works....

I'll be here as long as I can and as long as you want me here ^^, you've been helping me out so much to find the road to bring my dreams on❤, so I hope not to shade this post whith these next lines:

I really hope and wish you all and your families are allright in these strange times.
I've been feeling sad these weeks about close people suffering with this global issue for different reasons, and my concern about what may come next... In my mind, I can't but think we're living some sort of deception, I can't trust media nor institutions anymore and can't figure out where's this thing driving us to ... I only know, our freedom is most important to keep our minds creative and bring our ideas to reality, but if something happens these next months ahead, even if there's some chaos around, please remember, we're all brothers and sisters here, we are here to imagine, to build, and create together, no matter our kind, ideology, social status, or whatever the politics want to tag us with, and that is, in my opinion, what we may need to pay attention to, to observe why society looks so divided nowadays, and specially, who look to work and make profit on keeping this division going on, wherever you're living in.

I wish you all the best for this new year to come, and find courage and strength to overcome the challenges we're living through these days. 💪🏼💪🏼




tom mao

May joy and health be with you always