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Here's the hornet submission cutscene!

The first animations actually, there's yet work to do with this set, and I had some issues thinking about how to pose them nice (that's the reason I had some delay to show up some drafts).

Now with these base poses, we're ready to add some more hornets to the action and work out anne's sensibility with their special nectar ^^ yummy...

The hornet has a special skill to  stun her victims so she can prepare them before taking them to the hive (yeah ... the gameover scene ^^ )

In the meanwhile ... these meany creatures will take their time to explore our sexy magician's weak spots!

More to come next weeks!
To be continued ;)




hopefully the stings venom make for even more "intense" fun xD


Ohh sure... This is just getting started. Just gonna say one clue: head-down T pose ^^

Chad Frasemer

Time for a different type of nectar. 😝