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Hello community! ^^

Back again to spriting after these last 4 days working on Amirian.

Monthly releases

I'm resuming the queue and the animations these next days, advancing both in amirian curse's sets and the polls to complete:

  • Final Fantasy Lulu's appointment with Ultros (yeah, the lewd squid hehehe)
  • League of Legends Sivir
  • Amirian LJ's Chapter 6 scene - Party in the stocks
  • Amirian Lilith's payback <333
  • Amirian Chapter 4 robot 1st submission scene
  • An art trade featuring Velora ;D
  • If i had enough time, add Amirian's Boudicca tickle scene with Anne's flirt event *-*

And more works to progress with!

Amirian Curse

Master Xannix has been working hard on chapter 3's story so we can know better his OC, the cute wolf girl mate, Coru and her meany kin.

Several graphical assets are placeholders atm, and I trust to fix them asap, with the sexy boss domination scene aswell for next releases ^^

Besides that, I've been fixing and balancing the gameplay from the early chapters, mostly working on background code and cutscene events to leave back the demo limitations and help to provide more freedom and potential options along the playthrough.

This polishing gave me the chance to improve little dialog lines, some behaviors and  replay the full game from the beginning, YAY! works really sweet :D

In the meanwhile, chapter 6 is already being worked on!

More info next days in the release post ;)

September's Next Polls

As I announced some weeks ago, we've choosen September to work on Amirian Curse's project dedicatedly.

I'm expecting there to focus into art assets and missing animations, not only the cutscenes, but also sideview battlers, missing npcs and characters, maps and layouts for required areas, dialogs and domination/submission scene writting ...

But also I'd like to poll for Silvers and Golds some scene events I could publish here as the usual monthly polls, with their cutscene dialogs if possible ;)

I've got yet to decide which sets I could ask for, though I guess I can check out our assets gallery so I can get inspired xD

  • Silver Poll - Domination Scene Variation from one of the availables (lots of options here)
  • Golden Poll - New Submission/Domination Scene

These could be independent of the Platinum polls and will be published here as general posts.

It's gonna be intense and quite exciting, as we're around the 50% of the game production (YAAAY!!!!), and with the full story and chapter deployed, our next milestones will be dedicated to add the content we love with more free and relaxing workflow: foes, traps, minigames, exploration, naughty squids, haunted mansions, new ideas ...

Thanks in advance for our staff and contributor's work: LitigationJackson, Xannix, FaithFox, Jason, DarkMGN, 

RpgKun Mode On!



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