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Hi Jessie!! What's up?

hehehe, I see someone doesn't wanna pay her beers tonight, right?
We all know these magicians could become kinda tedious, but don't worry, they're totally harmless...
WTF, how did you let them to trick you in their games? ¬_¬

OK, try to ignore and not tease them too much, 
Specially when you're asked about your foot size ...
OMG, did you let them check it out already? >_<

Lol, here we go!
What a lucky girl, huh? That relentless feather must be a hassle, but you don't look that ticklish! 
Good... just ignore it, may be they'll get tired and let you go.

Ops ... did you just giggle?

Too bad :(
Resist, Jessie! they're not a match to your footsie!

or ... are they?
May be if you give up tonight ... you may be indulged!
No way?

Oh, girl, now you're in a real mess!!
These guys persevere so much playing these games...
Still ressisting? What a woman!

O_O this is getting dangerously hot!
Just pay the bill and leave this business behind, girl!
What if you get to an arrangement? 

Still denying!
Darling, I'd say you've just come here looking for this...
---- Are you? =,=

So you mean it actually, right? xD
Oooohhhh!!! such a gorgeous kinky rogue you are! hehehe
Looking for a funny way to drink for free and have some fun next!

Final Fantasy Jessie Fanart



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