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Hi Patrons!
I hope you're all fine! there's a virus spreading out there. Keep safe, healthy and care out of your families ^^
For me, I've just moved with my family some weeks to keep out of the focus of the spread and hopefully, I'll be quiet to focus on our animations and next game release.

So... here's the list of todos for these weeks!

Works in progress

  • Lux
  • Dark elves for Amirian
  • The Belzetwins attack again
  • 2 panthom Thiefs from Persona5
  • Janna (alternate pose)
  • Alice's new animation? ^^
  • And other external pending requests

I may not be able to complete all this before the next month, but I'll keep focused on the game and the diamond contents, alghthough I've got yet another couple of polls to post this week for you!

Amirian Curse

LitigationJackson still off for some more days. I'll keep working with the next animations as I post these next 2 days a new poll for you to choose the next monster girls to feature.
The quest log first stage is ready, lacks only some functionality to filter the quest status view so we'll keep working it out this next month, but we have already all the chapters set up. I had some mess with the character attributes in saved games, our  lead tester here found some bugs I had to care about, though I hope this time we have a solid version of the game with a questlog to check out for the story progress :D YAY
I'll keep fixing some minor details witj LJ and I'll post the game chapter roadmap on this month's release ;)

I'll be kinda bussy these days but I have my computer  close to advance more stuff!
I'm back soon!




Would be cool to see other partymembers get grabbed in your game


Hi robert, yes we've got it planned and in these early releases I'm fixing up the required stuff and making ideas with the technical possibilities. Im expecting after april or may's release, to make variations with some parry members and even party capture. There's much yet to talk with the team and think wisely how to not overload a scene with 4x4 possibilities as each character would use the same potential animations from Anne's. Once we get done with our priorities in the questline roadmap, I'll make some tests ;]