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Hi Patrons!

Not much visual/story progress this month, as for the current stage there are yet several milestones we must complete. Plus, LitigationJackson is dealing with RL priorities these days and we've got yet to check and fix stuff in the early chapters. We're expecting to fix all those milestines through March-April to have a fully working base to focus at the script dialogs and the full scenes to feature.


In the meanwhile, I've got started with the Domination skill framework. Our first target is Alraune, who's got some easy sensitive spots at your reach ;)

I'm yet thinking how to add more details to the scene, wether being a single animated character (enemy target)  or the same interaction as the enemy scenes.

Would make sense to work over the last option, although will take several versions until we have a complete Domination set for any character. I guess that will worth he effort ;D

Sweet revenge!!

Please, note that in these early versions, you must complete Amaymon's Tutorial to earn the Domination skill for Anne, and will be Anne and only Anne who'd be able to use it, although I can handle to join the fun once other party members or special conditions are available.

Anne casts Domination over Alraune!! >> Let's tickle titties!! >> Boudicca in party? >> YAY!!!

Amaymon's minigame tutorial starts at the game begining, but you can open through the Inventory > Amaymon Ball > Play Tutorial

Working on next features

Quest Log ain't yet available, sooner or later will do with a full set ofthe chapters to unlock in the story. We've almost got it.

But keep an eye over the lust points feature, if you see some errors let me know, strange numbers in the status screen. There are way more events and scenes to implement the lust score, we'll be able to add new options as soon as the game progresses. Remember that the lust points will be important for Anne's alignment and her fate in the final chapters :D

  • Arousal will increase Lust Score (pink bar when  positive)
  • Chastity will decrease Lust Score (white bar when negative)

What about lilith?

I'm yet working on the first set but starting new poses you'll see these next days to use them in the game too. Let anne stretch out with some pinups!


I think it's a good idea to add some new contestants to the stocks minigame in the pub ^^. I'll work on these minigames too so you can relax with the girls after so many quests and enemies to hunt down. Lust doesn't take effect here atm, but we've got in mind to implement different variations depending on Anne's kinks, also, will be a nice option to give you some extra gambling choices, these girls will need some way to earn coin fast :D

Don't you think, Boudicca?

I've got yet to talk with LJ to plot the deffinitive chapter layout, but we're on the rails to do so for next weeks. Then I'll be able to reveal the roles of each OC in the story and how to meet them ;)

Good! Let's go hunt monster-girls!!

Happy WeekendKun




The level of experience and the level crossing do not work.


I can't seem to be able to download it says the link has been removed?


my bad, i didn't see this was from a year ago


Hi Dominik! No prob, I should keep updated the links to the game archive anyways. It's better always to get the last version. ^^ I hope you like it! :D