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Wanna see this glamorous girl trying out her new shoes?


Here's Serena, well attended by the kun crew in the most popular shoe store in the city.

Thanks to TDonkey for the help with the script ;D

At last, the kuns have found the perfect project to conquer the world...

 A shoe store! 


Our first customer!!! Serana has decided to give out our shoes a try :D

We're are proud indeed to attend her!
She's asking for some platforms, boys!!!
Though she doesn’t seem this is her kind of footwear … let’s try out another one!

Good choice!!
Those high heels totally match your perfect feet! In red? of course, my lady...
Mhhh… not convinced by this one's quality...
I see ... Let’s try another style… 

How about some sandals?
Not of your taste …
What else do we have in you "looser’s store"? ¬_¬
Hard customer, huh?

No worries!!

Our boys are trained to deal with such situations!!

We can’t miss out a single chance, our pretty customer looks perfect and she's got quite  an interesting foot size to try out more options with!
If she's not satisfied ... we find a way to satisfy her!!

Let's take our customer to the trophy... ejem ... the VIP room to take a closer look on her possibilities …
This beauty looks like expecting for a special service...

Don’t worry, miss, my boys have a skilled touch for these cases. 
Be sure to map and take the sizes of every inch of her feetsies, guys.
ho ho ho! ticklish? hold down, Serana. this is just taking some minutes, we’re gonna get started with the fun now!

Eehhh … cleaning?? really ,do you think she needs her feet being cleaned up?
she has quite nice clean feet already… 
Ok, “never hesitate about your employees skills”!
haha good point! Keep it up, guys, she looks to have fun too with that!

Come on, boys! don’t be silly! the customer ain’t here for jokes! Don’t you see she’s getting distracted??
Billy WTF!! get her toe out of your mouth, you jackass!

Oh … cleaning ain’t just finished yet … huh? 
Sure, the feather-duster is way better tool than that and will certainly relax her feet to fit better our shoes! good idea!
What does our favourite customer say about?
HA HA HA! yes of course!! you've left her breathless!! keep it on!!

Boys, you’d rather be careful to not clean her feet to the bone!
that looks kinda scary even for me!


does she really love our shoes? ALL OF THEM?? well that’s really a great new!
REALLY? does she wanna purchase all of them!!??!?!?! GOOOOODDD!!!
And is she giving good feedback with her friends to come here for new shoes?

Bring here the Miccinos to celebrate our first customer!!!

Thanks to TDonkey for helping out in the script :D
Pokemon Serena gone nuts Fanart!



Chad Frasemer

Another satified customer. xD

Roan slingerland

I always smile seeing a minccino just having fun with someone