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Ooooohhhhhhh...... yeahh! Here we go!

Many updates in this release, and here's the link to not make you wait more :D

Amirian Curse Demo 


please be indulgent on my english dialogs and narrations, I've got yet much to fix here hehe.

Some friends have helped me out fixing several dialogs.  I'll gladly take any mistake you notice me to the list of todos for the next release. ^^


  • Opened the whole zone of Northern Forest for the demo
  • Added the whole demo storyline and questline, dialogs and narration.
  • Included the 2 available cutscenes of 2 OCs (more to work with)
  • Added and fixed all found references to the new character, dialogs, comments, hotspots.
  • Lust Level. Earn lust or chastity points to define the main character's balance and behaviour with the remaining OCs, enemies and world npcs.
  • Battle system. Fight enemies as a common rpg, careful with the special attacks!!
  • Special Action Input System
  • Featured the scene playback setup for each monster and lots of potential variations.
  • Added and fixed the clothing and strip off system (3 levels, full, barefoot, naked)
  • Added several inventory items. Use Amaymon Ball when you need help and tips, but also setup and unlock stuff in the game.
  • Added the requested 3 voted scenes for Alraune, Ivy Maidens, and Lamias, plus other converted animations ;)
  • Added the first scene script in the Ivy Maidens event, almost completed, but with room to many improvements (thanks LitigationJackson ;)
  • Featured the Sandbox mode: complete the game and activate it to break stuff :D


  • Amaymon Ball. He's Anne's advisor. activate this item to access the journal and get some tips, setup game preferences immersive-way and other misc setup.
  • Grimmoire of Conjuration: An important item in the story, but not much to do now with it in the demo.
  • HandBook: Wonderful item to add (in next releases) a section of recipes to make potions and other stuff with loot, or access a manual and FAQs about the game.
  • Potion: Health Potion
  • Fairy Dust: Mana potion
  • Your equipment: unique atm, you might see how Anne gets stripped off her clothes once again and again. Atm she's not losing her clothes, just get in the equip menu and equip all her clothes back or push the optimice function under the equip tab to auto equip her clothes back. Anne will show 3 statuses depending on her gear, from fully clothed, to totally naked.

Camp Fire

Use it to rest and make health and mana potions. There will be some option to make potions in a most fashion way, but atm you've got all potions as you need.


We've got no quest setup yet. I need to work and introduce a new system to handle the quest journal. That will be the main feature of Amaymon's Ball. Atm, follow Amaymon's tips. There's only one objective and it's pretty straightforward.


Each enemy type includes her own special event, wich consist on a fast input button test with the arrows of your keyboard, if the test is passed, Anne might escape the scene, otherwise, she'll fallback in the next stage until she's totally screwed:

  • Stage 1 - Remove her footwear and accessories, then tease
  • Stage 2 - Remove her remaining clothes, then tease her more
  • Stage 3 - Go all the way with her
  • Stage 4 - Game over (no way back from here, unless we're in sandbox mode)

There will be even 2 more general scenes here when the gameover requires Anne to die, depending on her lust level, whether she can go to Havens or the Netherworld to become Lilith's pet forever. This will come in next releases too.

Input Button Test

Within the game will happen often you'll find a dialog requesting to press and hold some random directional arrow in the keyboard (will popup with a sound)

You must hold the direction is requesting, and press action, as many times as it's required to pass a test. I'll work to make this system better, but atm, works pretty well when you get used to it.

  • In combat special events
  • In mini-games
  • In special unlocable scenes
  • Wherever we need to add a quick test to get success and failure result.


Not much spoiler here, but the original forest layout with several tweaks plus 2 dungeons, and the camp site and gallery area. Moreover, if you activate the sandbox mode, it's said you may explore way more from there ;D

SandBox mode

It's a good idea some of our mates here had and I started to think about several weeks ago.

Once activated, explore the main maps again to find new characters to interact with. In this early stage, there's not much more to add, but will be interesting to explore the possibilities with the evolution of the party system and the lust  level bar to unlock different behaviors and scenes.

Warning about the Sandbox mode!!!

Everything out of the demo's content, might break fast. If you see any bug or issue, out of the demo map, that's not subject to be fixed. I've been testing stuff in the unpublished areas, incomplete minigames and some dialog and content tests. Feel free to explore them, but be aware, that these contents might be removed or changed in next releases.

As always, leave feedback, in comments or in DiscordKun threads.

Thank you all, sincerely :D

Thanks in special, to all members who helped me to make this possible, fix stuff, give ideas, I hope sooner or later to fullfill all the validated contents we've been talking about along these monhts.

I really hope you enjoy this demo :)



(No title)



Just asking btw. Alraune and Lamia sandbox char are not in the secret pond zone, but in the forest, have you found them? would you rather like to have the unlocked enemies easy to find in the secret pond? we might use the sandbox exploration for further contents then.


I'm gonna try It out right now :D


Well, again looks impossible to edit the post to add more documentation, so here's the setup: First, you need to unzip the game, be aware to download your system's version. - WIN (Windows) - I work on this one, just run game.exe - OSX (Mac ...) - I have no way to test this one, look to run something called game.app if you have issues, let me know by DM and we find a workaround. - ADR (Android and IOS) - You may run with the web browser under www/index.html. This one is yet bugged off, some sounds are not compatible and break the game with error popups. We'll finda fix next weeks.