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⭐Hello Patrons!!

🍺I hope Y'All are having a great summer hehe.🌞

Back to the mess I have on my desk (well, not yet at my production desktop, but my shitty linux laptop), so I'm preparing the next contents or Amirian while I keep polishing some frames for C18 set. I still need to prepare her new (spread) poses and figure out how to place the ticklers xD so keep an eye on the drafts and works in progress threads in discord these days just in case 😉

⭐️My progress

As you may know, this summer has been kinda sh!tty for me. Bowel issues are leaving, but I still have to cure an internal wound (silly me, some treatments weren't that good few months ago). I'm progressing properly, and now I can work sitting several hours per day, far from the original time-sheet I used to consume, but feels great to be back 🤩

Still, I am now helping at my family's home since they are having also some trouble these months too, and my attempts to run the computer are often interrupted wether by home tasks and cooking, or some eventual belly bloating I have to deal with after launch. Time goes off often without being able even to check for new messages in discord lol. 😅 I'll be back to my desktop next 2 weeks hopefully, ready to resume the full production mode.

⭐️Amirian Curse

As I just want to flow and hit my inspiration I prefer to check out our galleries to pick some poses from here and there for Amirian Curse.

Anne and Amaymon is the first set I've been working with, but also I'd like to bring up something new for Lynessa Emberlight in the campsite scenes, plus I will resume the animation port to the new setup for the monster girls, starting by the ivy maidens. Shame is I can just work with only one project at once, since the linux version of RPGMaker is kinda crippled from the full hacks I used to handle on a windows desktop (just about some more days).

Therefore, this month I'm up to bring:

  • Anne and Amaymon scenes (secret gameover or ending)

  • Lynessa Emberlight party scenes

  • Lynessa Emberlight hit animation (quick battle undress)

  • Prepare Ivy maidens and maybe Myconids scenes for the new animation setup.

  • Play around with the Kuns and make some silly tickling poses for Anne.

ℹ️ I may need a time for Amaymon and Yina's sets, I wanted to play random poses for Anne and maybe even unlockable ones to reach a GameOver or Secret Ending status.

I don't want to spoil the purpose, but would rock to link the games with some spin-off easters 😉

Also, I would love to progress a bit further with an old forgotten set I had started long ago, which introduces the tentacle-girl or Scylla, with a custom RPG character, first would be n#de, then I'd work on her clothes, since her attire features are kinda tedious for a first shot. As you know, the goal is to export this template for Anne and Vivian's games.

⭐️Obsidian Lust

About obsidian, I can't promise I will share something new for the time being, but I'm in to make more dungeon guest variations, and introduce the tickle rack and standing on tiptoes.

The game is yet on an early stage with many mechanics to be deployed, so I need to catch up again the thread to resume the easier milestones in order to provide new contents anytime soon.

⭐️Alice summer tickle games

Mostly a public release with several variations and general animations ready, so we all can play around with Alice and Velora (at the moment, only Lana is selectable)

⭐️Patreon Polls and community contents

I'm eager to share new things in DA and Pixiv, the problem is, I have not so many new things to show haha🤣, so meanwhile, I'll prepare few shorts from the recently completed Neopolitan

  • C18 and C21 (magin and evil)

  • Rose and Mia Winters

As usual, I may be leaving something behind. As soon as I can resume more workload, I'll try back with new poses for the next contents to come 😛

🍺Have a refreshing and fun Augustt⛱️



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