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🍺Welcome, Kuns!!

Back after Amirian Curse Test Release, I keep working on new updates and fixes for the game, including the succubi full scene conversion to the new animation setup, as an extra, maybe with some other quick conversions from the monster girls, since I can now import from Obsidian the same animation players (only required to prepare the sprites with a color replacement). So, I'm planning another update before July with as many of the monster girls as possible, updated both for domination and capture animations.

⭐️But first!!

▶️ Here's your early-access invite to join the new Kun Zone Discord Server!

I am yet testing and adding structure to this community, so there is only 50 slots free on this invite

Next week I will share the public access link here, on ITCH and the remaining networks, 😉

See more details below.

🍺What's Next?

I'm working on RWBY neopolitan these days, and I will resume C18 asap after today's maintenance day 👍️

Another RWBY poll is about to come. About Dragon Ball polls, there's currently a production bottleneck, but I trust I can post it on next July as I progress with the current sets with C18 and C21.

⭐️Alice Tickle Games Summer Edition

Another update I really want to add, is the summer contest for the girls, and add extra guest OCs invited as I promised.

🙏 Apologies to LoSu, Nex and TheGuy for making you wait, I wanted these to be ready on May I hope the delay make it worthy.

⭐️Obsidian Lust

Now I can plan here and there, I will copy-paste hairstyles, expressions and change palettes to add new Lee variations to the dungeons, maybe even elves hehe, but also want to explore Yina's galleries to see what I can fetch for Vivian's new contents.

🍺The Kun Zone new Discord Server

This server is for an open community, to ease access and support for more audience out of Patreon context using other networks and the ITCH marketplace to provide contents such as:

  • Amirian Curse support and public release updates

  • Obsidian Curse teasers

  • Public Alice Tickle Games releases

  • Public previews and (future) request polls

  • Sharing source assets to make variations, craft new animations and expand the kun-art-style with other creators.

  • Other community contents and events.

ℹ️ I am working to finish the server outline, this invite is an early access for the first 50 subscribers. Next week I'll share the public access to ITCH and other networks.

This Patreon project and the Kun Workshops linked Discord Server will keep the early access and subscription contents. I will feel more comfy providing a new meeting point for a public audience aside avoiding security and hacking issues on the main accounts.

💚About my recovery

I still working on it.

I'm out today for another maintenance session, and see some diagnoses this week to know further about my evolution, then I'm making a pause on those ups and downs with therapies until July, so I trust I can find a balance to work on our contents these next weeks.

ℹ️ I'm also eager to recover my car from being repaired and get back my freedom hehe. These weeks have been challenging as hell 💪

So, that's all for now, Kuns! 🍺 Time to tickle Alice!




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