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⭐Hello Community ! ! !

Yeah, waiting to recover again these days 😅🙏🏼 It was so nice to think everything would be fine after last clean up.

Lack of updates since Amirian, sorry.

I've been working on C18 and Magin21 sets, then also start the animation conversions for Boudicca, but after the clean-up the past week I started feeling down again, so it looks like I need to persist further with these sessions while I follow my recovery process.

⭐In short

I've started acquiring Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Looks like is stablishing and I had to detect and get rid of several foods which caused me inflammation, so I had to struggle with it again this last week. So I will continue as soon as I can, after I can recover and feel steady these next days, progressing with all the schedule described.

Along my experience with the therapists, this might be related with a bacterial/parasite I have to get rid of, so I'm keeping the expectative on solving this in a short term, but I'm afraid the mistakes I had since April may extend further the recovery.

How does this affect to my schedule working in the community?

  • Stop working

  • Relax and calm down

  • Lay back on bed

  • Do a daily sport routine to help moving

  • Apply several disciplines to feel better and recover as fast as possible.

Most days, my major pain is I can't stay even a minute sitting at the computer with so many things to do. I got a stand-up desk extension to work standing few months ago, still this is not enough when I feel the inflammation, which forces me to just spend the day walking, swimming and laying on my back following lots of relaxing disciplines to keep my guts calm.

I just hope I can find a way to get this under control these next weeks, otherwise I may need to plan again a pause like I had to make along this year, to decide how can I overcome this.

💚 I'm totally committed to switch to a natural healthy life and compatible food for this stage, but I'm yet learning to add the best fruits and vegetables to my diet.

I wasn't much aware few weeks ago and I had much to learn but, life is life, and we need to fit our personal circumstances and the time we are given.

⭐An outline of my evolution:

I had these issues coming from several years ago. I needed to stop my education on new IT and programming frameworks and stay away from the stress and anxiety of the nowadays business for a time, which helped me to start our community and work on our contents. Everything was going fine and relaxed since then until last year, when I started feeling pain again (because of stress, coffee and rl stuff).

After the therapy I followed up to new year, it all worked well, I was able to fix the small intestine problem and I felt totally encouraged and committed to resume back with EVERYTHING!

But lack of knowledge about and a possible re-infection started causing bowel trouble again, specially since April. Now I need to care and calm, plan wisely my schedule and leave those impossible days off, to just relax and make long walks. Maybe a good excuse to work out and stay fit hehe.

⭐My learnings:

I was not fond of eating processed foods, nor alcohol, nor other dangerous addictions, but no matter. Living in western world means sickness, since our base foods may not be the best ones to keep healthy, plus our sedentary lifestyle is another warranty we'll need eventually to ask for advice to our doctors (mines weren't so trusty after all these years, sadly).

No matter how well do you think you feel.

🙏🏼 If you love working, playing and living healthy on anything you want in your life, pay attention to consume enough fruits, vegetables and keep hydrated with water (careful with alcohol and market drinks).

Way better to learn how to cook your own dishes with vegetal and fruits, learn the benefits of the many spices we have often in the kitchen, the natural roots such as ginger, turmeric and many condiments, which are great for cures and teas to keep our organism happy.

Nowadays food has become trash, and the more younger you are, the worse if you start eating these new tasty industrial processed foods, bakery, cookies, refined oats and dairy products... Endless flavours and addictions, endless options to get some illness in a near future.

ℹ All these may be little poisons which slowly drag you to sickness and depressions if you don't compensate them with natural foods.

Even a simple coffee with milk routine in your office may help to cause a pain after years.

Oh, yes, emotional and psychological disorders come often from here too, I can tell, as you feel clean and healthy, your mood jumps over the clouds and feel unstoppable.

Now ... waiting to recover and go back to work 💪🏼

💚Again, Infinite Thanks for supporting this Kun through all these years, guys.

⭐Take care, you are what you eat 😊



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