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Heyo! Some things to talk about this month.

So the patreon-discord integration. It makes you automatically join my discord. Apologies if that happens and you're not ready for it. Usually we'll just kick you if you're inactive in the Welcome channel. If you do want to participate/lurk in there, please just shoot a DM a message like "heyo, im a patreon, can i be let in" is enough and you can just lurk there. I'd check your discord account integration if you're having troubles with that.

For the Sunglasses at Night, I think its going great. We're due for a setting change, somewhere with warmer colors. I hope you are enjoy it.

Anyway, if you don't care about all that:
Submit your characters here: SUBMIT MULTIPLE IF YOU WANT https://forms.gle/f9TVJC2eikpJK8v77
Vote for this months stuff here: https://forms.gle/ZGKWfEz6Vq3MXNQo7


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