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Hello all!

The team is very proud to announce that we've been approved for a Steam store page.  The game is marked as "coming soon" and can be wishlisted.  (Please consider wishlisting - it helps us out!)  

As we push to complete the demo, information on that page may change or update, but we're projecting a 2022 release, likely early access.  More on that as things become clearer down the line.  

For those who are wondering how the Patreon subscriptions play into the Steam release plans: we intend to give some sort of rewards to supporters, but until we see how development goes and what the numbers look like, we can't promise what those are just yet.  As always, apart from some one-off tips, Patreon subscriptions are the ONLY funding method we have, and your support makes continued development possible.  Thank you for sticking by us!

- Josh


Gunner, HEAT, PC! on Steam

It's a weird time for fans of modern tank combat games. The straight-shooting simulator titles from the turn of the millennium are no more. As tank nerds, we need a game that gets right to the good stuff - modern tanks, realistic system and damage models, and a focus on fun over all.



That's great news! It's the most realistic tank combat games I've played in development. Keep up the good work!




Wooooooooo Yeah Baby That's what I've been waiting for


Well done, well done. And of course I'm going to "wishlist" it! Congrats guys!!!




Well done!


I am so used to crowdfunded games never releasing, or taking 4+ years to release. This is incredible, I am so hyped! It's amazing how quickly you're moving. This game will be the next success story like Project Wingman was last year.


Added to wish list! And following! On steam! You’re all awesome!