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This is a minor update featuring improved lighting and bug fixes.  You can read the full patch notes on the GHPC website: https://gunnerheatpc.com/news/articles/ghpc-20211106-dot-1-patch-notes 

As always, you will automatically receive the build via your itch app library if you've paired an account and installed the Patreon demo through the itch app.  You can also access the download at the usual link: https://gunnerheatpcdev.itch.io/gunner-heat-pc-patron-build/patreon-access

We hope you enjoy the new update, and thank you for the support!

- Josh




Great work! Custom battle can be added.❤️


We have some plans to add a mission generator later on. We will reveal more about that when the time is right.


Just out of curiosity! Would there ever be any kinda multiplayer functionality implemented? Even just CO-OP scenarios would be spectacular. Also I feel the addition of the M551 and the Jagdpanzer-Kanon would be amazing!


hey when can we see tanks such as m1a2, leo2a4 ,t80b etc


challanger 1 and 2


Hey guys I just wanted to say that I noticed the models look very nice in the latest build! They seem much more polished and crisp than the last build I played! (Not that far back, a month at most) I don't know if it's a result of recents patches or if I'm just imagining things, but I noticed the light on the surfaces is really pretty. Kudos on the hard work! ;)


Thanks Robert! It's not your imagination - we fixed up some lighting settings and were able to bring out more of the detail in the models in the most recent patch.


UK forces won't be included in the current theater (CENTAG, Fulda gap) but are on our radar for expanded theaters in the future.


Leo 2A4 is currently eligible for inclusion in the Fulda scenario, as is T-80B. M1A2 is out of the timeline for now, but in the future if we add a theater of conflict that would include it, we'll add it.


Aha so I wasn't seeing things after all! Very noticeable difference!


Can't wait for future theaters so we can get these, would absolutely adore a well done Challenger II. Hopefully we won't need to leak documents to get one!


You guys are doing amazing work! ❤️