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Thanks to all of you, we've passed 400 patrons on the GHPC project!  Your support is incredible and gives us the resources we need to press ahead with making a great tank game.  Stay tuned for Patreon build patches!  We've got lots of fun stuff coming soon.  




Great work so far guys, probably a lot of pressure the further the development continues but still extatic to see more!


Any chance of getting a surplus Marine tank as a government bailout? https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/03/23/marines-shut-down-all-tank-units-cut-infantry-battalions-major-overhaul.html


Keep up with the good work! It is since good old "Panzer front" game from PS1 that I wish for a new simcade tank-focused videogame (that isn't an online only F2P)!


Cant wait for a realistic tank game where it isnt F2P, online only, filled with more bugs than the amazon rainforest or full of wallet warriors that buy out the first overpowered helicopter they can throw thier wallet at. just PURE TANK WARFARE


Please add some nice music as well, perhaps some army corps marching band music, drums, etc for the intro/menu and then some dynamic music once in game.


who cares about menu music? the only music this game needs is the sound of guns firing!