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Rose couldn't contain his excitement upon the sight of such a huge man, not only does he want to become like Guzma, he is gonna make sure the gym leaders and champion of Galar does too!

That is right! Starting next year I will be fattening up the Galar league! Be ready because this december I will be having a poll to decide in which order those men will be fatten up (After I'm done with Rose first of course, expect his drawings before the year ends)
Just to be clear: this does not mean the Professor Guzma series is over, so expect to keep seeing him and the Alolan men often in the future, there is still work to do!



Andrew Zammit

Oooh can’t wait to see the Galar guys swelled up. And curious if any will come to rival Guzma’s current size (especially since Guzma will keep on growing ;) )