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Hi Everyone! I wanted to start this month with a post talking about some changes I've been thinking for the future of my patreon.
Some of you know this already but my drawings are my main source of income right now and I want to upgrade this place so more people are interested on it.  They will be some changes that I hope you are ok with them and keep supporting my work in the future

Lets start talking about what is gonna change:

Weekly Suggestions will turn into Patrons Suggestions

I want to apologize for the lack of updates of this activity, and I want to be very honest with this: the planning of this work wasn't as well thought I imagined when I started, having to make two drawings each weekend ended up being too much for me and because of it the quality of the sketches and final results weren't precisely of my own taste, rushing a drawing does no good to it's quality

With this in mind, I decided to transform this activity: rules and how it work will remain the same, but starting this month I'll only be posting 2 sketches each month, withe the following updates:

  • all of them will be full body
  • the first sketch will be posted the 2nd of each month featuring one character, you will be able to send your suggestion for 5 days and then the result will be posted on the 15th 
  • Following that, the next day will be posted the second sketch, featuring 2 or more characters, with the same time for you to send your ideas and will be posted the last day of each month

I decided to do these changes for the sake of setting a good amount of time to draw your ideas with a quality worth of your support, I hope you agree with this and don't hesitate to send your ideas, I'll be waiting!
*the last weekly suggestions result will be posted later today

Now, for mayor changes on how my Patreon work

All of my patrons will gain early access to my work

This is something I have been seriously considering for a while, if you support me you totally deserve it! starting with the next post you will be seeing my drawings days before the rest of the world sees them!

You will be able to suggest what series monthly polls are about

I want to know what you want to see here! I have some plans for future polls but what I really want to know is what else you people want to see here, I'll be doing very soon a post so you can send me your ideas, as many as you want, I'll use your ideas to do future polls and drawings~

I will be making patreon-exclusive  comics!

I've been wanting to do a comic for a good amount of time and I think this is a good time to work on that! This content will be exclusive to patrons too!
I'm not planning on making them very long, so when I finish one I'll start a new one with different characters, I'm open to suggestions for this too!

I hope you are as excited as I am with these plans and you keep supporting me for a long time, because I don't have plans to stot drawing chubby guys~


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