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Took me longer that I would have wanted but here is the first batch of requests I received back on March, I hope the wait was worth it. I'll try to have the next one during next week, I want to catch up with these requests as soon as possible so expect this to be a very Request-heavy month.

Before I go I want to remind you all that Requests need to have at least the character name + the series they are from to be eligible, no matter how popular they might be, it has been in the rules since day 1 and I don't make exceptions... BUT this time if you forgot one of these details I'll allow you to comment (not edit, because I take screenshots to keep track) on the request post for a chance to be picked, but only this once ok?




So good!!!!! Always worth the wait!😄


Baptiste is looking delicious and just in time to enjoy him in the summer 🥵