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After three months in a row focusing on generations, luck has decided that the very first type that will be the focus for this activity will be the Ground Type! (Here is the video as always)

Feel free to comment the pokemon you would like to inspire a new character until April 25th

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that if I draw a character based on your entry this DO NOT mean that they belong to you, the idea is to eventually create a small village of characters everyone can have fun with, you will be free to send them for other activities such as Patrons Suggestions or Requests, not to forget that I want to draw them again in the future too!

P.S.: If you remember last time I said that I would take a break from this activity to do something else with these ocs, but I decided to postpone it since I wouldn't have the time to do what I want properly, maybe next time, we will see


