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Hey all, I have some scary but important news to share. My basement has been flooded by a malfunction with the pipes, and my work area where my computer is along with it. Thankfully I have reason to believe my computer is ok and nothing lost, but as I have been unable to set it back up again, I can't be completely sure yet.

At the very least, the Bulma doujin isn't in any real jeapordy because of how I was finishing it by re-lining most things already. I can take the wip full res images and work from those if nothing else.

I am going to do my best to get set back up again in the coming days, to provide content for you all. I had some pictures I was in the middle of, hopefully those aren't lost but ill do my best to make up for it if they are. I won't be pausing pledges until its apparent I can't work for a while here, but if it comes to that ill do it before September ends.

I'm very sorry for the gap in content, I thank you all for your patience and hope you'll hope for the  best with me here during this scary time.



Don't rush yourself. We aren't going anywhere.


I’m not going anywhere. I hope it’s not serious like you have to dig the ground up to change pipes. Praying it’s fine


Thanks so much... that may end up being the solution although it shouldn't affect my areas if it Is. The restoration efforts has though, sucks to see my life packed up in boxes x_x I saved my pc and tablet from the packup though.So as long as I can get it working again, its a matter of making a temporary new work area for myself.