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Page 2 is done! Finally text on this text heavy page so you can all fully understand what's going on now! It is tempting to alternate between these text and background heavy SFW buildup pages and some of the saucier content, but I think it's best to just go in order at this point to avoid confusion. Besides, it's fun to do this sort of goofy stuff sometimes~ <3

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Nothing in these pages is absolutely final, I may decide to make some small tweaks for the final release. I'll also only be releasing full res pages and PSD/clip files  when it's all done as well. But this is more or less how it'll look, so I  hope you enjoy it~ <3

Color Pages: 1+6

Lineart Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Rough Draft Pages: 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 11 12-13 14-15  16-17 18-20
