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Hello everyone, I've got a special surprise here for my next timed exclusive! For those who've kept up with current fighting game news, you might know about a new game called DNF Duel. It's based on Dungeon Fighter Online (aka Dungeon & Fighter, or DNF), a Korean 2D beat-em up style MMO(ish) game that started in the mid 00s, with a couple different western releases. DNF Duel has been getting lots of character reveals and just had an open beta that was a lot of fun!

I used to be a pretty heavy player of Dungeon Fighter Online, and Striker was actually my first class I played in that game (if not my eventual main)! Since I spent a lot of time with her there, you can imagine how happy I was to see her back in this, as well as all the other DFO characters and stuff in the game! I really wanted to draw a picture of her during the reveals and the beta, but couldn't find the time due to other work needing to take priority. 

However, I managed to squeeze it in as one last exclusive this month for you all, and I'll be trying to finish it up ASAP here! I'd love to draw more of the characters in the future, but we'll see what time allows of course. Hope you all enjoy it, and if I don't post again before the end of 2021, have a Happy New Year~ <3



Randall (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 04:18:33 😍😍🤤🤤 Damn I love this. I can’t wait to see full color and her shiny ass &amp; butthole .
2021-12-30 17:50:03 😍😍🤤🤤 Damn I love this. I can’t wait to see full color and her shiny ass & butthole .

😍😍🤤🤤 Damn I love this. I can’t wait to see full color and her shiny ass & butthole .

darmengine (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 04:18:33 Thanks! Yup, I'll be on finishing it up soon here~ &lt;3
2021-12-30 17:56:03 Thanks! Yup, I'll be on finishing it up soon here~ <3

Thanks! Yup, I'll be on finishing it up soon here~ <3