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 Hello all,
First of all I'm shocked at the generosity that those who have supported me have shown, thank you all so much. Now, I have been feeling very stressed and conflicted about the state of my Patreon. I think that many are supporting primarily for the commission bonuses.

The reason this is alarming to me is due to the fact that I, working full time, have little time to draw much. I will not be able to offer a commission to every person on my patreon each month, or even every few months (I could explain the time this would take further if requested.)

Therefore, I feel bad offering commission-related bonuses as a part of my Patreon tiers - I don't want those subscribing to do so expecting a commission guaranteed, but I fear this is the case. This is my fault, and I take full responsibility for that.
Why now? What about my patreon tier rewards?
I have been working much more as of late and it has left me without much energy or time to draw, especially paid work which I take seriously. There are also some personal (health related) things which I won't get into publicly.

I will be removing private commission related bonuses from my Patreon as I feel uncomfortable with my ability to adequately fulfill these rewards on the schedule that patrons' likely have in mind when subscribing.

If you are a patron who subscribed for a commission reward, please contact me directly on Discord and I will try to fulfill any promises, such as the 'priority wait list' and the discount, in the future when I have time to commission. My intent is not to cheat you out of these rewards, and I am very thankful for the generosity.

For those who are subscribed for the purpose of commissioning, I perfectly understand if you wish to unsubscribe. I understand this was my mistake in setting up this situation, please accept my apology.

Thanks for reading.
- nelewdy 



I'm subbed cuz i like your art. Sure bonuses are nice but it's nothing to sweat over if you can't uphold all of them. I understand and I'm sure most of the people following you can understand as well. Do what you need to do and do what you find fun :^)


Thanks so much! = D <3