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Okay, so! The model you see above is a (slightly modified) model from Mythreal Games! It's a model that looks a lot like Cat, from Stray Cat Strut, so I instantly fell in love with it!

I contact them, since... well, I'm shipping out printed Broccolis with Cinnamon Bun Volume Five, and I really wanted to have something similar for Stray Cat Strut Volume Five!

Mythreal Games made an offer, however! They tend to run Kickstarters for their models, and asked if I wanted to do one for Stray Cat Strut models. 

We'd, of course, start with a Cat model, with the main goal being an STL similar to the image above, but modified to be more Cat-like. I think we could have other SCS characters as stretch goals as well, so if you wanted a full set of Samurai, this might be your best bet!

Just to gauge people's interest though, before I start signing contracts, I wanted to set up a pol to see how many people would be interested in the idea! 

(Of course, Black Bird tier will be getting a Cat model with SCS5's release regardless!)



What characters were you thinking of making models for if this goes through?


If it goes through, then I might put it to a vote... But the short-list is: Gomorrah (obviously, and probably the surest one) Maybe Lucy? Grasshopper Emoscythe Deus Ex Hmm, we could do some of the other samurai as well, but I think it makes sense to focus on the more plot-relevant and important ones?