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Royal Road has launched their app! Which his very exciting, but it also means that... well, the app makes any story with sexual content pretty much invisible. That's going to be really rough for me, especially with Stray Cat Strut. 


I'm moving all the interlewds onto Patreon, then redirecting from those chapters to here. 

So if you see a half-dozen posts in the next couple of minutes/hours... that's why! just thought I'd let everyone know before you're hit with a deluge of lewds. 



A delewds.




ScribbleHub's unaffected, right?


Delewds. Nice.

Isaac Dansicker

It's really pretty easy turn back on, but seeing as how many are hard of reading I think you're being realistic. Better backer-only ePubs? Also: so far not super-impressed by the app, but it has potential.