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Okay! The big one first! 

Cinnamon Bun volume Five is... out! You can pick it up on Amazon and Audible from this LINK! 

Second bit of news is equally fun! I'm heading out to California near the end of the month to spend a week with some writer friends and get my Canadian hide cooked in the California sun! Should be pretty fun, I hope. It's the furthest from home I've ever been, so that's exciting too! 

I... shouldn't write during that period... but I will be bringing a laptop with me, and maybe one thing will lead to another and... uh.

Anyway! Just thought I'd give everyone a head's up about that! I'll be returning home in early July, so those who follow for the daily updates will only miss a couple of weeks of posting at most!

And I'm pretty sure I had more news, but I can't remember the rest, so it can't matter that much! 

Stay cool, everybun!



I hope you have a great trip!


"I... shouldn't write during that period... but I will be bringing a laptop with me, and maybe one thing will lead to another and... uh." Is it safe to call writing an addiction? But have fun! Enjoy yourself and don't get cooked too badly.


Good lord the sun has not been present so far this year out here in California. I hope it comes out soon.


Be careful driving California drivers are know to be particularly bad at following driving laws


At first, when I see the cover, I was like, "what's that red thing coming out of her head?" before realizing it's the background not the blue bits that are actually her wings


Please no. The sun can go away and stay gone. I am not looking forward to triple digits starting soon.


My neighbor, we are doomed to join the world in the heat with or without clouds. Id rather it be less humid because it won't be a swampy mess.


As a professional delivery driver I can attest to that, yes.

Melting Sky

Make sure to check out the redwoods on the way through norther California.