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Hello everyone! 

So, as some of you have learned, I've recently sold Sporemageddon for a whole heap of cash, so that's nice! Unfortunately, that means removing Sporemageddon from a number of sites, so for this month I'm making it available to read ahead on here at my lowest patreon-tier! 

Also, might as well put my discord access on sale too. Once you have access to the Discord, it's permanent, so no worries! 

Discord Link: LINK 

Sporemageddon GDocs Link: LINK 

Hopefully we'll all be able to make a ton of new friends! 

Ps: New Index link will be dropping with the Saturday update! 



Yay! Congrats!


I’m sorry when you say everywhere does that include Patreon / Gdrive? I am not a fan of discord so I really only follow the gdrive links so this contract is completely new to me.

Melting Sky

Cute artwork, although the announcement is a bit confusing. Congrat's to the author on their success, but does this mean this story will be removed from here?

Benjamin Lewis

Congrats on the sale! Can't wait to see how it goes!


Each volume will be removed one month after they're completed. So... yes, but you'll have time to read them. And while I can't legally encourage piracy, I will bring it up for no reason!