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Hello everyone! 

I thought it would be fun to let you guys pick out a name for this series, since I'm on the fence. This is the project that used to be called Operation: Kaiju, and as of right now, it only has seven chapters up, so it's still in its infancy and probably won't be posted anywhere for a few months.

If you want to read it, then check out the recent update post pinned to the top... or better yet, go check out the Gdocs version because there have been a lot of early-story edits made already.

Anyway, here are your name options! 



Straight forward and know what the stories about 10/10.


I like the first one, but “screaming geometry” is also just hilarious because Evangelion


I think having "genocide" anywhere in your title is a bad move, even if that is your character's name. The phrase "Full-Collateral; Diplomacy" doesn't make sense and feels like it should be "Full-Contact Diplomacy." I think "Screaming Geometry" is a better magical girl name than "Crystal Genocide". I think "Magical Girls Mayhem: Full-Contact Diplomacy" (but I haven't read it so that's just going based on the suggested titles)


Waiting for more chapters before I read it, but 'Quest to save her idiot friends' sounds the best, but as funny as it is to my inner chuunibyou, putting 'genocide' in the title is gonna make certain people have a temper tantrum ._.


I like keeping genocide in the title. It's a pretty eye catching word that presents an interesting juxtaposition to the concept of magical girls. People will definitely want to see what the story is about.


I really don't like the second Genocide name. I know we're being outvoted, but especially since it doesn't have Magical Girl in the title, it just seems edgy? I dunno!

Mary Pardo

Agree on the use of the word genocide. Screaming Geometry still has the "Ge" in it. Genometry?


The Full-Collateral Diplomacy gives me Full Metal Panic vibes. This is not a bad thing. I concur with Genocide being in the title being not a great idea. However, it does jump out at you so... mixed bag? I love Screaming Geometry. But I'm also a nerd. :D


Magical Girl Crystal Genocide and the Quest to Save Her Idiot Friends


I haven’t read it yet, but “Magical Girl Screaming Geometry” is by far the most enticing. “… Quest To Save Her Idiot Friends” is dull. It’s too straightforward, like calling Fluff “Emily’s Trials Living With Powered Preteens”. It could work as a volume subtitle a la Harry Potter, but as a series title it’s a bit naff. Edit: Now that I *have* read it, “Magical Girl Screaming Geometry” doesn’t make sense. Don’t change her name though—Crystal Genocide is a fabulous name.


Perhaps, “Crystal Genocide’s Quest to Save Her Idiot Friends - Full-Collateral Diplomacy”. This makes it clear it’s a name, and save her idiot friends is funny and shows us something of what goes on in Genocide’s head right away. The structure would accommodate sequels too, everything after quest could be swapped out.